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M. Johnson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by M. Johnson 1st MRB

  1. And the winners are for the domination contest.... 1st Place: MSgt. A. Cannon 2nd Place: 1stSgt. T. Brown 3rd Place: SSgt. A. Mottola Unfortunately we didn't get the 15 recruits required for the recruitment contest so there is no winner. Winners; contact me over steam for your prizes!
  2. We are offering prizes to members of the 1st MRB and BAR who rack up the most points in our very first Domination Contest AND a bonus prize to the person who recruits the most people for the 1st MRB. The contest starts today and will end the first week in January. Prizes that will be featured in this giveaway are a $50 gift card on steam, 5000 RP on League of Legends, A variety of games and a $50 Newegg gift card. If you are a winner and you don't want any of the prizes, we can instead donate the money to the servers in your name. Our goal in the end is for our pub rank to be 1st overall and for the 1st MRB to get some new blood, so everyone really needs to come together and help us push to hit that mark. What better way to do that then to offer up some cool prizes to the biggest helpers? Plus, who doesn't like prizes? How does the Domination Contest work? Click here for more info! 1st Place Prize Your choice of: 2nd Place Prize Your choice of: 3rd Place Prize Your choice of: Recruiter Bonus Prize (Awarded to the person who recruits the most players. Anyone can win this even if you've won a prize already) *Note* This prize will only be awarded IF we get at least 15 recruits by the end of the contest. Your choice of: *Do NOT post your ingame screenshots for the Domination Contest in this topic, as they will not be counted to your final score. Post all ingame screenshots here.
  3. THE 1ST MRB HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY DOMINATION CONTEST RULES The Rules for the Domination Contest are as follows: - Open to 1st MRB and BAR - All screenshots must be from the period the contest starts til it ends. (Dec 6th to Jan 3rd) - A maximum of two dominations per unit member will be counted. (You can dominate them more, but you will only receive points twice!) - You must post a full screenshot of the domination in this thread to be counted. (An example of the screenshot can be found here) - The contest will end the first Saturday in January. - Anyone caught trying to cheat/falsify dominations will be disqualified IMMEDIATELY. - Do not join spectators at the end of a round. The Point Values for each rank per domination are as follows: Private = 1 Point Private First Class & BAR Members = 2 Points Corporals = 3 points Sergeants = 4 points Staff Sergeant = 5 points Technical Sergeant = 6 points Gunny Sergeant = 7 points Master Sergeant = 8 points First Sergeant = 9 points Sergeant Major = 10 points Warrant Officer = 11 points Chief Warrant Officer = 12 points 2nd Lieutenant = 13 points 1st Lieutenant = 14 points Captain = 15 points Major = 20 points Lt. Col. = 25 points THE 1ST MRB HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY RECRUITMENT CONTEST RULES The Rules for the Recruitment Contest are as follows: - Open to anyone - Enlisted members must put your name on the enlistment where it asks who recruited them - Recruits DO NOT have to pass BCTs to count towards your total - Winners will be chosen based on total number of new recruits - If we don't reach 15 new recruits the contest is nullified - The contest will end the first Saturday in January. Domination Leaderboard Name Total Points A. Cannon 1st MRB 232 T. Brown 1st MRB 181 A. Mottola 112 D. Lystad 1st MRB 103 L. Willow 1st MRB 87 J. Ascencio 1st MRB 84 Borscht BAR 70 M. Gearhart MRB 68 A. Kirkendall 1st MRB 60 Z. Duckers 1st MRB 59 E. Small 1st MRB 56 Beuting 1st MRB 53 Samuels 1st MRB 45 T. Little 1st MRB 40 V. Kanon 1st MRB 37 S. Woz 1st MRB 28 J. Griswold 1st MRB 26 Royal 1st MRB 25 Gunderson 1st MRB 24 Jankovski 1st MRB 23 C. Thompson 1st MRB 23 Gunderson1st MRB 15 Wirths 1st MRB 7 McDowell 1st MRB 7 Reis 1st MRB 6 Watkis 1st MRB 6 G. Brault 1st MRB 5 S. Hill 1st MRB 4 R. Wells 1st MRB 3 Beglar 1st MRB 2 Recruitment Leaderboard Name Name Of Enlisted Total Recruited A. Snafu 1st MRB M. Walden 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DO NOT EDIT THIS TOPIC WITHOUT PERMISSION!
  4. So glad I picked up Netflix again for this month! This looks really good.
  5. November/December 2014 Happy Holidays!
  6. If I could vote for more than one I would, but I had to go with Howard Shore.
  7. I am excited for this. Takes me back to my childhood!
  8. Holy crap! That's crazy! In Canada, do you not need to be qualified to install anything related to utilities? It was lucky no-one was seriously hurt.
  9. Thank you for all the birthday wishes everyone!
  10. "You dont know, this could be harry potter, and they could appear in random places with their wands" - Rather during the 1st Vs 2nd Platoon Squad Tournament Match
  11. BACK IN THE DAY! I can't believe that it's been that long, crazy. Like I've said before it's good to have you back!
  12. I Have not banned him, I would think next time a warning should suffice, but if he continues to be disrespectful post another ban request.
  13. I saw this the other day, it takes some skill!
  14. I really enjoyed helping out with this months edition! So many great articles in there. For those of you who'd like to get involved in writing for the newsletter and help to keep it going there is a few opportunities that have opened up in the office!
  15. Song of the weekend. I had four days of seeing seeing some awesome bands in Belgium at a festival called Groezrock including: The Offspring Beartooth The wonder years Norma Jean I Killed the Prom Queen NoFX Taking Back Sunday Brand New and many more. Best part of it, was meeting some rad people from all around the world. Already planning next years trip, if anyone wants to know about it, speak to me in vent!
  16. If that beer wasn't from Belgium, then it's a bad beer.
  17. Nice Test Footage! I download the film maker, and no clue how to use it. Teach me your ways gearhart!
  18. I'm sorry for everyone I let down. I've got a few family issues, that I don't really want to go into primarily because I don't want to think about them to much. I should of let someone know, but when a situation like what happened to me on that Saturday hits, you don't really think about anything else. This post has given me a few good laughs, when things aren't so great at the moment, so I thank you guys for that.
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