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M. Johnson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by M. Johnson 1st MRB

  1. Mitch Lucker proved this fact true.
  2. With regards to the Humble Bundle, this can be the current Humble bundle, or the Origin Humble Bundle!
  3. Connection Time: 51 days 06:24:11 hours Can anyone guess who's connection time that is?!
  4. Here is the trailer for the game. It's Garry Newman's next game after G-Mod. Believe me when I say this game is alot of fun, it should be available on steam in early December, and you should get it. Be aware that if you do pick it up it's still in alpha and things are changing and breaking all the time, but still its worth the money!
  5. I've added him to the ban list.
  6. Thank you both for posting this ban request on our forums. As members of the community and regular players on our server, it's always great when we see regular players helping to police the server. As there is no action that need to be taken, I'll just remind you to add as many of the 1st Marine Raiders to your friends list if you have any trouble and there are no 1st MRB on (although it's very rare it does happen!). Thank you once again.
  7. This is why I don't play league as much.
  8. Martin: "Girlfriend, Mom, it's all semantics."
  9. So this is a game mode that riot are currently working on, but some people managed to access it early (it's been patched now), but it looks pretty fun!
  10. Done. Official Music Forum
  11. Who knew that a missionary's words could cut so deep? You know who doesn't live in NYC? That's right, Stone and Barry. Do you know who does? LIKE YOU EVEN GIVE A SHIT!
  12. I found this image earlier, and found it crazy. It's linked with to an article, but it just shows how messed things are in America.
  13. You're just upset, that you fed that game and we won.
  14. Also try deleting the map, and manually downloading it again.
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