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M. Johnson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by M. Johnson 1st MRB

  1. Ban has been lowered to one week.
  2. 7/10 I like a lot of different types of music. This is what I'm listening to right now:
  3. He has already been banned. Please make sure you use the correct format when posting a ban request in the future. The form can be found here.
  4. Yeah You do Small you have joined my channel twice in the past two days and said your rubbish so let me say this... small come back to me when you have half the DOD:S gametime I do. Thats 2703 hours since the day I joined the unit (28 December 2011). Thats 541 days. Thats just under 5 hours a day average of playing the game I love since I joined the unit. 3 months of that I was in africa with no access to the game.
  5. So this has recently come to light: http://www.valvetime.net/threads/updated-h...tracker.243580/ which is very interesting indeed. Looks like the next games to come from valve will be Half Life 3 and Left 4 Dead 3. Also a new source engine could mean a update to DOD:S? we can only hope as it's highly unlikely. What does everyone think?
  6. That makes no literally no sense. The Obama administration has been very forthright with it's stance on Syria, it has said that the use of chemical weapons is a redline, and it's come to light that chemical weapons have more than likely been used. They will now infact help aid the Free Syrian Army (The rebels) with WEAPONS, not military forces.
  7. Sony just destroyed Microsoft. Xbox: $499 PS4: $399 Needs to be online - Xbox: Yes PS4: No Can do what ever with the game on disc - Xbox: No PS4: Yes
  8. 'Does this SPELL shield block turrets?'
  9. I saw this yesterday and it looks amazing. I love how they've slowly built things up with the trailers, whether intentional or not, I can't wait.
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22630303 Thoughts and Prayers for the guys family. Please do NOT turn this into a politics thread.
  11. It all does not matter, as it all comes down to personal opinion.
  12. It wasn't as bad as Gothe's singing in vent today.
  13. So am I the only one excited for this?
  14. Is there any errors in your console whilst playing?
  15. My personal opinion is thank goodness they got two very dangerous individuals off the streets (whether or not they did it), it was lucky not more people got hurt. I again think its too early to debate something like this with a lot of the information not known. I think that people should take a little time to reflect on what has happened and the families who have lost a loved one. Especially the law enforcement officers who lost their lives/were severely injured, trying to stop these two individuals from hurting anyone else.
  16. Hello Th3Doubl3D, If you ever have any issues on our public server and there is not a admin on, what I recommend is adding a few 1st Marine Raiders to your friends list, so you can let us know about the problem. There are quite a few of us who play late evening, and whilst we might not be in the pub, we can usually help you out. Like the Lt. Col. said, specific names would help us out, and even their steam ID would be better. To get their steam ID follow these instructions: 1. Open your console (~) whilst in the server and type "status". 2. Copy next to their name the information provided, for example," # 2 "Barneby Sax" STEAM_0:0:7654321 00:21 40 0 active". 3. The steam ID looks like this: STEAM_0:0:7654321. Finally, feel free to add me to you friends list if you have any other issues in the future or would like to attend an open realism. http://steamcommunity.com/id/matthewcjohnson Thank you for choosing our server, 1stSgt. M. Johnson
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