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M. Johnson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by M. Johnson 1st MRB

  1. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Hope everyone has a great one!
  2. It's back up! Sorry for any inconvenience.
  3. sounds like you really like crab cakes
  4. We are offering steam game prizes to members of the 1st MRB and BAR who recruit the most people for the 1st MRB. The contest starts today and will end the first week in January. If you win one of the following prizes, for 1st, 2nd or 3rd, you may choose a game or games of your choice up to the value. This is your chance to show us what you've got! Let's see how many we can get to make this unit even bigger and badder. What better way to do that then to offer up some cool steam game prizes to the biggest helpers? Plus, who doesn't like prizes? In addition to that we will be setting some targets, and if we hit them, we'll be rewarding the whole unit with NO WEAPON RESTRICTIONS! THE RULES Enlisted members must put your name on the enlistment where it asks who recruited them Edited enlistment applications will not count! Recruits DO NOT have to pass BCTs to count towards your total Winners will be chosen based on total number of new recruits THE PRIZES 1st Place Prize: Game or Games on steam up to a value of $50 2nd Place Prize: Game or Games on steam up to a value of $35 3rd Place Prize: Game or Games on steam up to a value of $15 THE GOALS 5 Recuits During December 1st-31st: 1 days no weapon restrictions 10 Recuits During December 1st-31st: 3 days no weapon restrictions 15 Recuits During December 1st-31st: 1 week no weapon restrictions 25 Recuits During December 1st-31st: 2 weeks no weapon restrictions (if multiple goals are hit, these will stack!) GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE, AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS! (Disclaimer: Prizes have been donated by the Command Staff)
  5. RIP prickly.
  6. Parker: Who the hell wears Jean shorts? Me: John Cena and Anderson
  7. Happy Birthday Yama!
  8. This kinda made me go meh. I don't know if it's the fact that there a bunch of movies that look incredible that are forthcoming, or if I'm wary of game to movie adaptations, it just didn't look like anything special.
  9. Indeed! I was really on the fence about this game, but now I'm fully hyped.
  10. I am officially excited.
  11. I love Brussels, it's like a home away from home for me. At least now I don't need to worry about running in to Trump there!
  12. I find it funny in all honesty. I've read both sides of the arguments, and just watched it all unfold, and it's just people causing controversy for controversies sake. I disagree with alot of the gamergate actions, some of the harassment and doxxing is done by a small minority and isn't a good thing at all, but the SJW agenda (Brianna Wu. Fem Freq. This new guy, Tariq) is really to just make a quick buck and further careers and relevance. The fact is some of the games they comment on games they have never even played, and the arguments they put forth are pretty obsurd in some cases. I'll leave this here.
  13. Barry, you are an artist. To anyone who sees this post, you wont realise how hard it actually is to paint signs on rust!
  14. Kirk why did you drop Elements? They are the #1 EU team. Well, just wanted to say thanks Didn't they lose both games? 1-1, they lost against a very strong looking Fnatic.
  15. I can't believe that C9 went 0-2 this week. I had so much hope for them to get me many points. This week I will win!
  16. I'll be down for this if there are spots still available.
  17. I didn't post this to cause a political debate, I posted it because it's all factually untrue but since it has I'll move it to the politics forum. It's when news outlets decide to spew such garbage that people get misinformed and tensions rise, leading to intolerance and the splitting of communities. I love the fact that the Mayor of Rotterdam, who indeed is Muslim himself said this on live TV: I Just want to say that this is also wrong Hill... Even though there has been a rise in terrorist attacks from Muslim extremists, there are many terrorist attacks from all different religions and cultures. Ever heard of Anders Behring Breivik? He was Christian, The IRA in Ireland, Oklahoma City bombing was done by Christians and the list goes on. Extremists, can come from all walks of lives.
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