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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. I had this issue with wings of prey, open it through the exe in the game files instead of the launcher, after that itll look fine
  3. note, the camera man just stands there
  4. I am a loner and here a feel that there are a few people that actually care about me ie. Jablonski, quarterman, and sarsons.
  5. well also make sure its the right command bind q "say_team medic!"
  6. Awesome ill definatly think of something!
  7. Awesome, if the issue arrises again just respond to this post
  8. ....both trailers are the same xD}\
  9. i dont believe this but it is intresting http://www.naturalnews.com/036536_James_Ho...false_flag.html
  10. It could be as simple as your using a lap top too....that thing gets extremely hot during gaming and if yoi haven't before monitor your temp and possibly buy a cooler. Or get a desktop with a newer card and you will be fine
  11. Slurp slurp slurp happy birthday.
  12. grumpy grumpy grumpy
  13. i have a wonerfully horrible feeling that a movie is in the works...
  14. Kaba. Your on.
  15. at mcdonalds. full time gets paid vacation along with salary
  16. ....free time?
  17. mmmmmmmmm
  18. they double your salary in health benefits. for the insurance idk....im 17 so im still on my parents...ill ask when i go in tomorrow...full time has a bunch of perks, and if you are a manager for a year you get one week completely paid vacation
  19. everybody BS's the interview anyway. trust me whith the quuestions asked you cant be honest. that blows, you can always get a job at McDonalds. i know it sounds awful but ive been there for almost 3 years and its a good job. really easy, relitivly low stress, and companies like people who come from fast food..
  20. Bryant 1st MRB


    man guys i found this really cool bike today chained up to some tree, its a nice ride..i meann....umm... man that blows i hope you find it, if your like me, your bike ir more important than your car. what type of bike was she?
  21. A Higgs-Boson walks into a church. A priest immediately bars the way and declares, "we don't allow your kind in here." The Higgs-Boson then asks, "but without me, how can you have mass?"
  22. Challenge accepted. Penis.
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