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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  2. hey man! im 17, i live in Kansas ( like a boss) i go to school, after school i work at mcdonalds ( assistant manager) im into the arts, mainly music. i march and play tuba, trombone baritone/ euphoneum, guitar (accoustic &electric) bass guitar. i am joining the airforce with the ROTC program at K-State. and wellll yeah. i love to shoot recruits and privates in the face with my carbine and more importantly I ADORE CASTS HAIR. and yeahhhhhhhhhh.....good bye
  3. honestly, it sounds like an asian guy trying to sppeak in an english accent...
  4. for future referance, ill probably just call you motorolla
  5. ]well to make my 200th post all i must do is say this. MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU..hah get it may the fouth and force sounds alike xD
  6. and getting all the sleep in the world
  7. still is my child, i idol them still to this day
  8. MCA (adam yauch) from the beastie boys lost his fight with cancer today sad day for all you white jewish rappers
  9. lyons im ashamed you know the name of the teletubbies
  10. thats the james bond gun of course
  11. depends on the type of biscut cut off 2 of my fingers...with a buttter knife..when i was 5 xD
  12. ban 2 of them and rotate every other week so we can keep in check who si who?
  13. perfect..
  14. so we can try to get it rolling and work out the details...
  15. for example, for 850 i made a rig that has i-5 2500 k..over clocked at 4.7 ghz GTX 560 ti 1trbt hard drive 60 gig solid state drive blu-ray disk drive p8-z68 pro motherboard amazing rig
  16. ....WTF?!?!??!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  18. same as you captian, i got to like 7 minute area, and justt shut it off, what the hell is wrong with people these days to think that that is okay?! these ladies are vile scumbags who dont deserve what they have, in my opinion they deserve the deepest darkest places in hell, these are helpless kids, cant cry out but they feel the same as we do. they are justsfhuhdsafddfa....im pissed im gonna get off and rage
  19. beautiful song right here
  20. kinky.. cutts-(this works out at slightly more, you guys like your food big): no body wants some small dinky little thing they like alot that fills them right up!
  21. so the thread is titled, so i play music....what it forgets to mention is that you are a sexy fuck as well, just saying
  22. life has been made
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