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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. i think i had a lolcano myself
  2. idk how to make this bigger
  3. this has made a drastic change...
  4. What the hell, why did that post 3 times?
  5. please help my neighbor win a 20,000 dollar scholarship by voting here http://toyotateendriver.discoveryeducation.com/vote.cfm, vote for the jacob O. thank you very much!!
  6. bahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhah ahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha haahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahh ahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah ahahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah ahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahaha
  7. bahahaha this all makes me happy
  8. the forums have been dead recently and it sucks
  9. get a GTX 560 ti! from EVGA it i amazing
  10. Name: straybullet Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:6028747 Reasons for the Ban: tk'ed me 3 times in spawn at the start of the round Recommended duration of ban: 2 weeks or perm, we gave him warnings Demo Provided?: Y/N no but longdong and rather were theree
  11. my mcar kicks the shit out of all your cars..1991....wait for it.....HONDA ACCORD XD
  12. well, a tornado ripped through my neighborhood last night, im okay, but if im not on for while its cuz im helping clean uup...no fun...
  13. bahahaahhhahahahhahahahahahahah yay foro python condoms
  14. yay party hardy amigos
  15. im gonna get one on my penis that looks like nohting limp, but when large itll read suck on this bitch ;D
  16. ull always resemble a door knob to me ;D
  17. loololololololololololl
  18. fapfapfapfapfapfap...ohh wait, i mean red heads
  19. ill keep ya posted
  20. this should be pinned ;D
  21. * after a night of drinking* Pvt. K. Mellott [1st MRB]: i jsut throw up all over my floor Pvt. K. Mellott [1st MRB]: this tastes so horrible Pvt. K. Mellott [1st MRB]: ]omg omg 4 times Pfc. A. Bryant [1st MRB]: mmm Pvt. K. Mellott [1st MRB]: i feel like a zombie is going tobite my neck i need my 45 Pvt. K. Mellott [1st MRB]: there is a fucking zombie in my bather room i know it man its creeping me out i have a feeling man i have a feeling i can pictur it biteing my neck and tear off the skin Pvt. K. Mellott [1st MRB]: my tummy hurts so bad abd im burkin Pfc. A. Bryant [1st MRB]: just suck my penis Pvt. K. Mellott [1st MRB]: any day any time mother fucker Pfc. A. Bryant [1st MRB]: now? Pvt. K. Mellott [1st MRB]: ill bite that sit Pvt. K. Mellott [1st MRB]: shit Pvt. K. Mellott [1st MRB]: yes now Pfc. A. Bryant [1st MRB]: your aunt? Pvt. K. Mellott [1st MRB]: illl bite her penis too Pfc. A. Bryant [1st MRB]: my dad? Pvt. K. Mellott [1st MRB]: yes yhour dayad too Pfc. A. Bryant [1st MRB]: what will you do? Pvt. K. Mellott [1st MRB]: ill fucking grab it and go greeeeeerrrrrr and ill bite it in haf Pfc. A. Bryant [1st MRB]: mmm Pfc. A. Bryant [1st MRB]: ME DRUNK Pvt. K. Mellott [1st MRB]: fuvk yeah i kust filled up a huge glass man
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