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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. Do a tale of two waste lands, it connects both into one continuous story.
  2. Japan (11) USA (50) Mexico (18) Canada (6) England (38) Norway (44) Sweden (48) Finland (4) Germany (21)
  3. Japan (15) USA (45) Mexico (18) Canada (11) England (33) Norway (42) Sweden (47) Finland (8) Germany (21)
  4. Any one else play it yet, and shit themselves doing so??
  5. Thank you guys !!!
  6. Name: ProudAmerican Steam I.D: : STEAM_0:0:61105048 Duration of Ban: Perm. Reasons for the Ban: Joined the server and repeatedly used the N word over and over. Demo Provided?: No but Kanganis was there Comments:
  7. Girlfriend and I Mee
  8. Its a sad day when im not on this list
  9. happy birthday my little blueberry
  11. post haircut fun
  12. Fuck Fuck fuck Fuck FUck not him again.... I mean...Oh haii
  13. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0011Z9PM2/r...=AC_SX110_SY190 these
  14. How do you all think the trial went. I personally thought all aspects off the issue were wrong and could have easily been avoided if Zimmerman didn't try to play cop...but at the same time, I feel the trial was very fair and just and proved that there still is ' innocent until proven guilty,
  15. Still havent shat on Bryant
  16. same mouse and ii love it dearly
  17. I like it...ive had 0 issues
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