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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. yeah, that could be an issue, what would be worse is if it broke down and you couldnt get out4
  2. johnson, you just made me a very happy man
  4. oh my, how the hell do you get out, i mean if you were stuck in the middle or something
  5. you shitting me, how retarded are some people?
  6. panda anyone???? really?????
  7. ive joined the airforce, in the end it all works out, airforce does have a good ROTC program
  8. EA tech support sucks, dont ever use thm , i had an issue after installing crysis 2, i went through like 15 dick heaads who would leave in the middle before i fixede it on my own
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY WHORE i will give you something special later ;D
  10. god dammit lyons i was gonna say that you line stealer
  11. its okay, im striving to have more thhan parker by the end of the year
  12. and this is why i live in 'merica... we get dem turrists
  13. lol how do you fail that bad with a nade, must be a real life lag spike or something
  14. bahahahah too bad im still a commie
  15. are you kidding me! we al know i deserve this!
  16. crab cakes with penises
  17. ..how did richards quote me before i opsted
  18. bryant and uhhh bryant just kiodding, cast and jones
  19. i woke up this morning hung over, got ont he site, saw this, got off because i thouht i was still asleep and went to bed. WAY TO FUCK UP MY DAY ;D
  20. i fell like this is goonaaa turn into a real great thread real quick
  21. i have this issue to some times, but when we change to a map i dont have, itll download then when sending client info says that it didnt instal the right BZP or whatever it is and i have to come to the site to download it
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