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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. As long as I have the money!
  2. Finally flying solo in this bird
  3. Just a thread for theories and thoughts. Just finished it and it is by far the best game I have played in years
  4. i i actually kinda like the red
  5. Japan (27) USA (36) Mexico (17) Canada (32) Russia (17) England (18) Norway (38) Sweden (39) Finland (17)
  6. Japan (27) USA (36) Mexico (17) Canada (34) Russia (19) England (17) Norway (36) Sweden (34) Finland (18) Germany (3)
  7. Personality Disorder Test Results Paranoid |||||||||||||||||| 74% Schizoid |||||||||||||||||| 78% Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||||| 82% Antisocial |||||||||||| 50% Borderline |||||||||||||||||||| 90% Histrionic |||||||||||| 42% Narcissistic |||||| 26% Avoidant |||||||||||||||||||| 90% Dependent |||||||||||| 46% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 54% Take Free Personality Disorder Test Personality Test by SimilarMinds.com sad depressed Bryant
  8. Too. Many. Gard(I)ners
  9. Japan (25) USA (20) Mexico (20) Canada (24) Russia (20) England (18) Norway (21) North Korea (9) Sweden (27) Finland (20) Germany (18) China (18)
  10. Already did
  11. Japan (21) USA (20) Mexico (20) Canada (18) Russia (20) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (17) Sweden (27) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (20)
  12. Japan (20) USA (19) Mexico (20) Canada (20) Russia (20) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (17) Sweden (27) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (20)
  13. As a pizza delivery guy
  14. Glad you enjoy the server!! Great to see you around!
  15. Other than Ron White, this is my favorite joke ever.
  16. At the same point. I have windows 8 and have yet to have a single issue with anything so I think it may be a graphics card driver issue
  17. http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/1n6win/:Y7HF...65-78-68-69-69/ even better
  18. http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/2lUfFM/:15HY...inbflat.net/12/ I like to start with the bottom left one
  19. Birthday Happy!
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