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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. Sorry ive been so inactive the past few weeks, I have this stomach flu ( I hope) for 2 weeks now and I have no energy to do anything, so in case anyone was wondering. That's where ive been
  2. because some games don't have the ability ( its steam its weird) they will automatically be installed onto whatever drive steam is on
  3. TSgt. A. Bryant. Borderlands 2
  4. Yerrrrrrrr, ill find a seexy pic for you when i get out of school. Happy Birthday
  5. I....I feel so dirty....
  6. Happy Birthday
  7. Because of this I want my vote to go to motolla
  8. I am going to win this one!! MUWHAHAHAA
  9. When the server is full, click auto-join, then spam the join server button! you should get in fairly quickly! One of the updates since you left made it so you cant click that button anymore
  10. I've always loved his vids. It'll be sad when it finally kills him though
  11. And Because you like Bacon Wasn't sure about what bacon you meant so here is other bacon
  12. one...two...three...potato...five..six...shrimp
  13. da fuck...??? I really hope that that is staged
  14. Thanks guys ended up being an awesome day.
  15. Don't get too drunk Mr. 21. Have a great day
  16. Name: STFU Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:21271760 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: - 40 when i got on and apperently using racial slurs Demo Provided?: N Comments: Barry alerted me of this and when and pubbers gave me a sitrep after
  17. I love that man. I wish I can say I haven't heard that but that's something that is tossed around in my head dailty
  18. Holy shit that's impressive
  19. The yeah at the end makes it all the worse..
  20. cone someone please explain what the fuck this is???
  21. Great find, its really crazy how they display the spy ship and talk about how awful we are
  22. Hope you have a good one!!
  23. This was my dads idea. Invite her over and leave the door open. Lay roses from the door to your bedroom. when she walks in she will see you laying there naked with a box of chocolate covering your dong. Of couse when she opens the box it wont be chocolate..... yeah thats from my dad...
  24. http://www.cnn.com/2013/02/11/world/asia/n...ance/index.html how do you all think the world will react if this aggression is continued
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