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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. http://www.willyoubemyvalentine.ca/
  2. Man if you ever go back to Columbia I have a very nice digital recorder you can use
  3. https://soundcloud.com/the-winter-brave/metaphors
  4. Looking good!
  5. Why the fuck does bunt get to be sexy???? GOD dammit!!!
  6. AC is the only youplay game i have. I can play DODs and what not for hours and nothing happens. its only when the uplay client is running. I get the WHEA_Uncorrectable_error when it goes blue. I will try admin when i get home frrom the school
  7. Name: Andrew Bryant Rank: SSgt Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Uplay Brief Description of Issue: Well after about 20 minutes of running anygame through it ( only the assassins creed games, no body uses uplay) it gives me the lovely BSOD and I don't know of anyway to fix that. has anyone else had this problem> ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: (Researching, Pending Reply, Resolved, Unresolved) Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  8. Because she has a low iq.
  9. Yeah I'm going to get a degree ( hopefully) in aerospace engineering
  10. I skipped school to co-pilot this one last week. Probably my favorite one to fly
  11. I need my solo cross country hours still!
  12. Us monkeys are far more sophisticated than most people believe
  13. Its really great to see you showing incentive tho. You would make a great fit in both sects
  14. baha this is old but so adorable in a no homo way
  15. This isn't a bug, valve did this on purpose. They did this to stop the spamming of the join game button, refresh was the part they screwed over. But the join game part is now supposed to be like that
  16. that music...so serene....
  17. i can give you an entire list of bad ass songs/ Smells like teen spirit-Nirvana bullet with butterfy wings- the smashing pumpkins this is a call- foo fighters drunk daddy- The cherry poppin daddies and many more but im in class and im lazy
  18. http://i.minus.com/il2rr9qFTfvHP.gif
  19. don't disrespect me in my glory D:
  20. this is actually a good song
  21. SSgt. A. Arsenault [1st MRB]: ZOMFG you've got 999 posts!!!!!!!!!! SSgt. A. Bryant [1st MRB] QB: I KNOW SSgt. A. Arsenault [1st MRB]: Post something clever! SSgt. A. Arsenault [1st MRB]: QUIIIIIIICK! SSgt. A. Arsenault [1st MRB]: SSgt. A. Bryant [1st MRB] QB: im thinking of something good to post SSgt. A. Arsenault [1st MRB]: A resignation SSgt. A. Arsenault [1st MRB]: SSgt. A. Arsenault [1st MRB]: ahahahaha just kidding! SSgt. A. Bryant [1st MRB] QB: SSgt. A. Arsenault [1st MRB]: you know its a joke! SSgt. A. Bryant [1st MRB] QB: SSgt. A. Arsenault [1st MRB]: or you could just quote me in the quote thread on this precise conversation!!! You'll get your own thread buddy ;D
  22. it has been released :DD
  23. we should work on a colmar summer
  24. Ive never got into it..it all seems so stupid when I watch it
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