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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. God dammit...I mean..yay glad to have you ;D
  2. its fine! I mean you aareeee giving us beta keys
  3. Grant and I resolved it via steam on suday. Sorry i forgot to close the ticket.
  4. wow....memories
  5. Didnt lie, just didnt remember everyone involved at the time. bakers name was the one that stood out though. hahaha tisk tisk..
  6. we had way too much fun ( dad was taking pics in the back)
  7. Grammer at its finest. Grammer Grammer Grammer Never letting this up I found the gammar nazis in the unit my bait worked Grammer.God Damnit.
  8. Meow
  9. I will find this for you, everyone has this issue, if you erase one line of code it'll fix it.... ill find it in the morn
  10. Yes, I have 3. A SSD to boot off of, an SSD as a cashe, and then a HDD for porn cats
  11. Another reason brown is sexy...he is generous
  12. Happy Birthday!!!!
  13. I get happier and happier with every post
  14. Its interesting you just brought this up...I haven't but the past few days I can't stop wearing that
  15. That made me smile for the first time in weeks, well done

  17. This is a problem I had and after awhile it fixed itself
  18. Doing anything fun???
  19. Happy Birthday!!! Have a good one
  20. Happy Birthday!!! have a good one!
  21. I want his internet...wait....
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