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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. Name: Andrew Bryant ( and others) Rank: SSgt. Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Interwebs Brief Description of Issue: Most every website including ours has highlighted words that if you hover over gives you an ad. Is this a bug that got into my system or is it everybodies? ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Cast Supporting Technician:
  2. Happy Birthday Butt buddy! Friend
  3. WEEE Happy Birthday:) don't get too trashed !
  4. Woot woot one year in the best damn unit around
  5. woah woah woah woah. C brown??? I thought you were a myth!
  6. Yeah, it will end up using the card more efficently
  7. Skyrim is always a stellar game, ive played through it at least 6 times...
  8. ...what?
  9. you have a great mother board, now if you wanna do something really cool, you can get the ASUS brand card instead of the EVGA and it unlocks a shit ton more features that I will post on tomorrow when im not brain dead
  10. Happy Birthday bud!!! have a good one!...at least I think I chose the right one, im too confused
  11. Happy Birthday you sexy sailor!!
  12. what MBO are you using? you could always save for a few months and get a full system upgrade
  13. COKE. ehrm excuse me I mean...yeah!
  14. I don't know much about the Radeon cards. I do know much about Nvidi tho. If I were you id get a GTX 560 or 660 ti from EVGA. So far I have had no issues with them and they are extremely powerful. If money is an issue the 460 is still a decent card, just not as good
  15. I personally love windows 8....the 1st week is weird when you are fining your way around, but ive had 0 problems
  16. I personally love windows 8....the 1st week is weird when you are fining your way around, but ive had 0 problems
  17. yeah, the post that brown made about the email addresses was planning this, to show respect for the unit and how bad ass we really are hope it was a good gift!
  18. bit late but merry Christmas
  19. Im in elektro, night vision blood packs, AK-47...had a chopper ( probably gone) but yeah
  20. Way to steal the thread jones;)
  21. A night light from my grand ma.....I shit you not....a fucking night light but from my parents I got the rest of my flight training paid for so that rocks:)
  22. Props to brown and mine will be coming in tomorrow
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