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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. Merry hHolidays guys
  2. I would uninstall it. Just to make sure the programs don't conflict.
  3. Name: Gordy! Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:58264019 Reasons for the Ban: Wounding me to get my sniper/ spot. When warned, shot me with rocket and prompty disconnected Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: N
  4. its already happening...just look at whats going on in Australia!!
  6. 19:18 GMT on donner. no seen cause
  7. 18: 59 gmt
  8. down as of 10:34 est
  9. we made it through the entire rotation
  10. Name: :Bad Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:17035358 Duration of Ban: perm Reasons for the Ban: N word on the server. Demo Provided?: Y/N n harding and kirk was there Comments:
  11. I wanted to post this on the promotion thread, but since you cant post videos there, in gonaa post here.
  12. Name: Andrew Bryant Rank: SSgt Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) steam Brief Description of Issue: On my admin menu ( or any thing that needs 0 to exit) the 0 will not exit it. The key is unbound and has never been used Has been fixed ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Lt. Col. B. Parker Supporting Technician:
  13. My brothers decided to decorate her "casket" And this mound will soon be a beautiful garden. And thank you Brown. It means a lot. And Gardner. That poem tore my family and I up
  14. Thank you Gardner
  15. Well, the dog died today, she was old and in a lot of pain as she died in my arms. Rest in Peace
  16. It hasn't crashed in the past 55 minutes so that's good news. it typically is around Kalt, Flash or Palmero because when it resets it goes back to donner. Lag spikes are bad, and when I do the tracert all I get it timed out.
  18. Would that be if you signed while waving an American flag? Like pulled a Patrick Henry while signing? Is it considered rebellious to sign it? EXACTLY
  19. enjoy WEE
  20. Defiantly signed
  21. So needy! Why don't you donate enough $ to get more servers (or more expensive ones) and fix it yourself : P Hey, my dad said he was willing to donate 100 bucks if he could kick people to get in
  22. really, you spelt kill switch :P

  23. 2:40 With this data This is all I got
  24. well that was depressing
  25. Crashed again at 1:09 Est
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