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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. I'd just claim its bugged and return it. I have this Key board and so does my father, we have had no issues
  2. I am going to resolve the topic. If you need any further assistance just post here
  3. Has this issue been resolved?
  4. Pub talkin to maines and lafy chimes in Lafy: you know maines, with all the units you've been in you must be amazing right now Maines: .... Pub: BUUURRRRRNNNN
  5. Get a bigger case. Mine has the space for 2 mother boards and a massive cooler. All video card are this big now and the 600 series is even larger

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  7. I am at a loss on this because i own this key board and i have had 0 issues. All i could really say is re-download the drivers on the disk it came with.
  8. The graphic are what made the game. I do agree tho, flying aircraft carriers were kinda ridiculous
  9. I love the people who are like " oh we spent, $400,000 on this underground bunker because we know its going to end "
  10. nor do I. But I have played through 6 soo many times, im just happy the series may be on PC
  11. 750 is a good size amount of power but hey, if you are feeling your going to need that amount in the future go ahead. but it really is overkill
  12. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive...omes-to-pc.aspx They are finally releasing the Ace Combat series on PC. This game was killer on the 360 and the graphics are amazing..IM SO EXCITED
  13. I know where im breaking into next..... I uhh meannn....wow
  14. Happy Birthday you sexy fucker you
  15. Shame on you, The duel klobb was the shit! Nope. Dual AR33 or dual RCP90, THAT was the shit! License to kill with slapper only! This is alot of quotes
  16. Oh and HannaH Montana wants you more now
  17. Happy Birthday buddy!!! Have a Wonderful day!
  18. Lets do this guys!! lets get our rightful spot as #1 back again!!
  19. Corsair is always a reliable brand on all their products
  20. I was having this with my posts. They'd show up 20 minutes after I posted. Its a server error and all we can do is wait for it to resolve. Unless Yama and Holland know something I don't
  21. add me please.... hallrocksmysocks
  22. Just post on the main topic page not the archives
  23. Myself
  24. Metro is post apocalyptic game killing mutants and shit. It's fun. But a horror game
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