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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. Happy Birthday Coogan! Have a good one!
  2. Happy birthday buddy! have a great day!
  4. Yeah. We definatly needed less Johnson. But good all around
  5. Happy birthday you old geezer you
  6. Magoo brought it up in vent
  7. little 6 year old wants to murder the family
  9. http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/messenge...nf20121129.html
  10. Name: Sgt. A. Bryant Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:5532570. Date & Time of ban: 11/19/2012 3:35 Admin who banned you: Auto Excuse for the Unban: I joined vent during on of the lag spikes and it wasn't letting me out of the public lobby into another, so while trying to join another channel it booted me
  11. +1..if i was a girl id get a sex change
  12. ... alright mark hoppus
  13. I used to have this issue a lot. no idea what was wrong it wasn't anywhere. After a good long while it resolved itself
  14. Foo fighters and jonna jett all at the same time
  15. killer card. I got it for 350 a year and a half ago. it runs the crisis games at full specs with no issues. 660ti in my opinion is the only better card out there ( that's not 10000000000000000000000 dollars)
  16. A. Creed 3 or black ops 2
  17. You can always start with verifying the game cache
  18. But I don't think I said so I want to love you all well who knows
  19. I wish I knew what I was saying so I can translate for ya'll but I don't even know. Sorry for posting in the wrong one
  20. I ggiys I jsut goat back from. Tge hospeital so. Imwanna love Yugo all amid well. Gooodbye
  21. MEOW
  22. theres 21 lets go!
  23. I got all this and it gave me a 5 dollar credit for new games so therefore I got it for 5 bucks
  24. and im posting some more later
  25. Yerrr thank you, show them to the world I don't care
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