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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. this is a source wide problem. just wait a few days or find the texture files online
  2. Didn't feel like rotating them after I scanned them Minolta Maxxum pro (lots of lenses) and the Bessemer something rather enlarger
  3. thank you guys and I would have done it myself but I was "getting an education"
  4. Here is just a hand full of them, they are all black and white (hand colored one) and wish me luck http://s1254.photobucket.com/albums/hh608/...01/Photography/
  6. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petitions
  7. SLC punk reference??????? YEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR that's an awesome movie
  8. bahahahah oh my fucking god perfect
  9. 21 actually
  10. If you didn't know, the book is far better
  11. .... hm this is...hmmm
  12. You can't compare them, they are two different shows with two different styles. Band of Brothers follows a group of people through out the war, where as in the Pacific they are trying to show how the war changes people and focusing on the individual. I enjoy them both lots, they just cannot be compared
  13. well to start, are you using a on board mic or via headset. and secondly, make sure all backround noises like music and TV is off
  14. waiiiittt, who are you?
  15. unfortunately yes
  16. Romney/Ryan
  17. Another ben folds fan??? ehh ehhhhhh???
  18. yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  19. Great work marines, keep it up
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