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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. its sad, i think im gonna try this tonight......
  2. I had the same problem when the last update of hats came out, fortunately for me the re-install did work out. ill do some research and get back to you, have you re verified your files yet?
  3. how long have you had the power supply, a lot of people are complaining that after about 4-5 years this supply just craps out on them
  4. i think we should do a weekend thing, one day zombie one day hide and seek
  5. I REALLY LOVE THIS SHOW oops...caps lock...
  6. *facepalm*
  7. OH DEAR GOD....... <3
  9. i should probably start watching this show...
  10. BAHAHAH i love the posts like this one xD
  11. the privates did amaaaazing good job turn and xiong, blew me away
  12. And Kanganis is leading like a mofo And we won in AvA :DD
  14. Well if its a click noise it may easily be the hard drive, when those start to go it makes a click alot of the times, still the boot sounds like a power suply problem, iintresting problem you got here, if you give me your specs it would help a bazillion.
  15. STEAM_0:0:19460288 I grabbed it.
  16. Name: Mr. Mister Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:17990539 Reasons for the Ban: at least 26 tk's in spawn before we could get admin in Recommended duration of ban: perm Demo Provided?: Y/N no bust screen shot
  17. Happy birthday buddy! hope its a good one
  18. holy shit richards can you get any bigger;) Damnn dude impressive
  19. unless he doesnt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. i tied with first
  21. make sure that all the drivers are up to date ect ect ect...if the problem presists start reverting to old drivers that did work on the computer
  22. Dude, message me vie steam FB or whatever if you need to talk, i've been hospitalized for suicide attempts many times and i know how it goes. just hit me up whenever needed. FB is easiest
  23. 3 years late
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