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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. your mother moan ;D jk
  2. nah we all know you are stuck in 2003
  3. USA! USA! USA! Happy canada day you guys
  4. ill take it in for diagnostics just in case but thats what i was thinking
  7. i currently have a 91 accord with 115000 miles on it and my sister is wilingg to give me her 1997 grand am 145000 on it her car is dented on all four bumpers and my wheel well is starting to rust i am good at fixing up cars and the rust is no problem, should i keep mine or take hers?
  8. reliability will alwasy be honda
  9. lystad- im stuckin the as me-what? lystad- im stuck in the ass legends ass..its kinda awkward just alittle thousands of giggles and him wanting to get out of this shit Radio- one minute left lystad- aww one minute of butt fucking
  10. not a big issue but we have no more MOTD...
  11. did you try the site i sent you?
  12. WHAAAAAA??? NO PICTURE???? but your welcome
  13. http://www.reddit.com/tb/vbkfm very good job at summarizing, no bias on anyside just facts and sources
  14. and if you are running 64 bit and the game is 16 bit your out of lluck unless there is an emmulator online
  15. Damn I need ti use that program good tobhear tho. Issue resolved
  16. What changed is that it was this HUGE deal for 5 years and the media molested it and all the scientist are even saying its natural and we are just tired of it. I think that that is what Happened
  17. Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy this is very intresting seeing all the view points
  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY:)))))))))))))))))))))))))
  19. Oh shit who let him back in .. ........I meaaaaannnnnnnn....... I love you good to have ya back man
  20. How the hell did you find that xD
  21. Id do something like i-7 unlocked p8-z68 gen 3 board Solid state drive(size of your liking ) 1trbt hard drive gtx 560ti and a blue ray disk drive
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