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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. And if you do get a 400 series. Dont get a zotac especially not zotac 460. Pure bugs
  2. Irs all about what your used to...mine always seemed fine until I got a. Gtx 560ti and now when I play on my old rig I just get spoiled. So its not that it neasicarily changed it it just wasn't.what you were uses to. And also I believe this happens automaticly but check to make sure it is using the on.board aa the priority. Because for all we know its looking for your old one
  3. Im on martinez side:D
  4. and also there are a bunch of programs you can download online which will monitor your temp and post it while gaming to see what temps you are pushing to see if there programsn are running your temp up too much
  5. crysis 2...full spec this one doesnt really fit your criteria buts is my favorite game and i have played the campaign like 30 times now...Ace combat 6-fires of liberation and also secret weapons over normandy
  6. well im off to florida guys so i wont be on fir 3 weeks, ill still be on the forums tho, and jablonski dont worry, ill find a gal for ya ;D see ya later alligators
  7. did he say mr englebreston xD
  8. very first thing to check is all of the plugs in the computer, my solid state dissapears sometimes and i jusy give the plug a wiggle and it works. Because it is new it wouldnt be un common for it to become un plugged.
  9. bahahhahhaa ive seen this xD
  10. yes it is this is join op you can get onlime but we play all idont know i got it on steam a few days ago because it was 10 bucks and yes. yes you will
  11. can you please tell us what this issue is exactly, that would help out alot!
  12. they couldnt get him THEY HAD AN HOUR TO KILL OUR OFFICERS
  13. wanna send me... your best friend some....
  14. The start menu problem is resolved the sending info isnt but ill live, thanks
  15. finally someone put good music in the backround xD
  16. lol i dont, ive tried steam chat and MSO isnt open for everyone to figure out. this is the first issue ive just jumped to slope for
  17. connected to server but failed to authenticate username and pass? anyone know whats wrong?
  18. epic..... im in the shaft:D new backround
  20. its callled google my friend. all i typed in was PDF and this came up..............i mean im an all knowing God. bow to me bitch
  21. http://success.adobe.com/en/na/sem/product...S|b|13462740502 <3
  22. Lol good find I enjoyed that
  23. Yeah. Its fine tho ill live:D
  24. ill keep my eye out man
  25. i am reviewing your problem and will get back to you shortly, it should be downloading to the drive steam is on but i will read into it https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article...=7418-YUBN-8129 try this my friend
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