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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. i live in Kansas city so we have the bestest pulled pork around that ccould easily beat all your pulled porks
  2. I would like to challenge P Jablonki any map of his choice. any weapon minus MG and snipper. one moths tags..and bragging right
  3. lol.... i guess with our spamnation of this thread we have the power to change the topic yet again dear lad!
  4. if you can get past the old person smell ;D
  5. touche my friend...
  6. ... i love how hthis changed from android apps to this....^....*facepalm*
  7. i dont care who would make a video like that as long as i can watch it
  8. i think that was assumed. we all would
  10. harding you a stud muffin
  11. i have andriod. 0 issues with it
  12. dear lord. my issue is when someone gets close and yells i cant help but to smile....
  13. I would just like to thank everyone here for making us the brotherhood that we are. I was skeptical about that when i first joined up. people like Maines and Magic talked about this brotherhood before i joined but i never bought into it because hey, its a video game. But after i joined up i realized that they were right eveeryone here is here for everyone and that is just awesome. Lets keep it that way men! (and women)
  14. because it was the last day there and i was sick of shitty food so i tought. hey this should taste the asame all around the world....no...it doesnt..damn..
  15. thats a whole hour of work!
  16. how am i messed up?! im just stating it the way it is. every resturant i went to was not that great. i was never impressed
  17. bro you are a stud. rock on man
  18. basixly is this saying i should go waste my money on another game?
  19. no. i went last year to london. food was absolutly terrible. the mcdonalds wasnt even good. all i can say is when i got home from that trip i pigged out
  20. Dillion. what would we ever do with out you.
  21. because it was all allied v allied
  22. because it was all allied v allied
  23. at school the lst 2 hours fly by..mainly because we are disecting cats. at work. its as slow as hell
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