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Bryant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Bryant 1st MRB

  1. no...lackie, or how ever the hell you spell it and mine doesnt count, the game continues with pang as the last onew
  2. man he was something else...sad to see him go, he taught me so much on the donner map back when i was eGO...
  3. oh man him and that rocket was somethhing else
  4. well lets give a final good bye to kelvin (francis yu), you guys may not know him but he was an amazing player. he was eGO and had thousands of hours on the game, also a great guy....he died a few days a go due to cancer, so if anyone sees any eGo guys out and about especially players like Gumba and Skippy, give them your condolenses. http://edge-gamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=205406
  5. grant.... WE WON!!!!!!!!!!
  6. new years day parade, bitch
  7. because i flew from kansas city ( where i live) to heathrow a couple years back to be ina parade...like a boss
  8. that should filll at least 4 hours...given the fact its an 8 hour plane ride from heathrow
  9. cuddle me
  10. hahaha i love the discussion about my mom/ the TK agaisnt me
  11. bahahhahaha holy shit
  12. lol well now i feel guilty for using morale office
  13. because it is funny as shit
  14. almost to 1000 views
  15. sooo ITS A TESTTTT
  16. Llol cast, this was at 4AM after prowm was over..i was sober and so damn tired Llol cast, this was at 4AM after prowm was over..i was sober and so damn tired
  17. idk, i have every thing filled out, i even followed magics thing
  18. look at that sexy prom date
  19. i have the same iissue in slope...
  20. DONT WE ALL?!?!? lol but i would buy some and it would be the skit
  21. cool, ill sketch some ideas when i get some time to do so
  22. maybe a BAR shirt also?
  23. so i was in the shower and thinking, wouldnt it be awesome to have a 1stMRB shirt, then got to thinking about donating, and now my conclusion is what if we make 1stMRB shirts and sell them to help pay for the servers...and thoughts? maybe on the front have it have the logo and 1stmarineraiders or something and th eback have it say there is a reason they call us the devil dogs
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