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Chef Gumby BAR

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Everything posted by Chef Gumby BAR

  1. I ate so much food at work today, when I got home for dinner I gave my plate to the dogs and threw away what they didn't eat.. because third world countries don't deserve my dogs left overs... does that make me shallow??
  2. Chef Gumby BAR Arma 3 , sounds good too me...
  3. ]Name: G_HOMES Steam I.D: 0:1:2294106 Date & Time of ban: 3/3/2013 Admin who banned you: Chef Gumby BAR Excuse for the Unban: I traced a gay porn spray and his name Apeared. so i banned him. the porn spray was still their so I did another trace. A different name came up (gio's) wich I know he did not put that there soo I came to the conclusion that th espray had some sort of name block, and G_HOMES is not responsible. Thank you and sorry for the mistake.
  4. Ban Report b]Name:Da Rebeller Steam I.D:0:1:11084453 Duration of Ban:Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Spraying pornagrphic images Demo Provided?: No Comments: his spray consisted of two guys sucking eachothers dicks. and had Maj. Ogaras name on the spray as if it was his......lol
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