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McClendon 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by McClendon 1st MRB

  1. Found this before a test this morning and thought I should share it
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  2. With all the people that play civ V now, is it possible to set up a multiplayer lobby with everyone one weekend?
  3. Gauntlet is available for pre-order on steam (comes out September 3rd, 2014) for $19.99 or buy a 4-pack for $59.99
  4. JNasty #1859
  5. Receiving admin w/ rather and not knowing how to use correctly in the pub.....all chaos ensued which lead to everything being blamed on rather.
  6. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/HunterAmacker/saved/10gj current gaming rig i bought from a friend. I also bought a 24" Asus monitor and Daskeyboard for $1200 total
  7. Most of what i'm about to say come from just viewing the 4 trailers (have yet to watch episode 1) When it comes to RWBY (pronounced "Ruby" if you didn't know ) you have to come into this anime as if it's something new and not base it off anything else. The reason I say this is because RWBY was created by roosterteeth (check title of post for confirmation) and if you know roosterteeth, then you know this is something new for them. Trying to watch RWBY as an anime and expecting it to be like roosterteeth/achievement hunter and you are in for a let down. RWBY is a new step for roosterteeth in animation and Monty (head animator) in showing off his animation skills. He started animation with the RvB series when they went that direction and decided he wanted to show the fan base what he could do. Now about RWBY, Have i watched this episode? no (at least not yet because i have an exam in the AM) so i can't say much about it, but i can for anime's in general. Going by forum posts and friends statement, the hardest part about watching RWBY as an roosterteeth fan was honestly the voiceovers. Knowing who does the voice makes the anime a let down because you know how that person really is. Jack is a prime example during the Yellow trailer, You hear his voice and realize "is jack trying to sound 'hardcore' (or whatever word you want to use there i dont fucking know) ? " and moments like that can ruin the experience for you. Now for the animation sequences, mainly the action ones. On the plus side, the animation was done really well compared to some other american animes. The animators were required to watch both japanese and american animes to understand just exactly how the animation should look/work and with RWBY that went well. Some of the action sequences were too drawn out and a overuse of animation was beginning to form within the trailers. when the Red trailer came out, it seems that the action was downplayed in order to try and focus on the characters which is what should be done. Monty was smart in letting us know small details about the characters and not reveal too much just yet. The White, Yellow, and Black trailers focused way too much on action instead of what should have been shown. Ill finish tomorrow.....tired..zzzz
  8. samuel i created your spray, let me mess around with it and ill re-send your spray
  9. morning wood, reddit, facebook, shower, reddit, instagram, twitter, reddit, reddit, twitch, reddit i have a sad life
  10. In the behind the scenes and forum post they state that more of these cinematic are coming soon. Also baron is getting a visual upgrade
  11. while syncing facebook through your phone can be good, syncing the contacts is a bad idea because just assumes "oh you want the information from EVERYONE on your friends list? even that one annoying/stalker girlfriend that you got rid of? no problem man! let me just notify them of that for you!" Scumbag Facebook
  12. So while looking for a way to fix the issue with sprays showing up in game (steampipe update) I've stumbled upon a file that gives you a list of all the binds you have in game and what keys they are associated with. At this time if you want to change a bind, i suggest doing it from the command window in game and NOT the text file. To locate this file, navigate to the install directory of steam and go to the following: steamapps > common > Day of Defeat Source > dod > cfg > "config.cfg" in here you will locate all of the binds that you have set for yourself in the game of DOD:S and what they say in case you forgot what you typed for a certain bind.
  13. (Not sure if this applies to anyone else but i found it on my steam folders) the commands above stated by holland are also found in the "config.cfg" folder although i highly recommend that you ONLY change (if needed) the lines stated. I could not find the line "r_renderoverlayfragment 1" in this file but i will continue my search.
  14. no although you would understand the ending and gameplay mechanics
  15. I have been looking into this issue as it pretty much shuts down the QM office but according to the posts i found in the forums, this is a steam issue and we will have to wait till either another update or for them to say something about it. I myself have tried various options to try and fix (move the spray file locations, re-create sprays, etc.) and to no avail anything. I will respond in both this topic and the QM if i find anything.
  16. It sucks for Ware but from the articles I've read, he will be back next season. while the injury and pictures are shocking (are my nerves jumped in my leg) i was more fascinated at what the tibia looks like besides looking at x-rays & medical books. Maybe its the fact that I've worked in the ER and have seen worse on 4Chan and war images, but i didn't get the sickening feeling. maybe it was one of those "you had to be there" type of feelings.
  17. you havent seen me on my random days yet
  18. The long lost episode "Dexter's Rude Removal" has finally been released for everyone to see.
  19. Speaking of grammar, this sentence needs work. speaking of sentences that need work, Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
  20. it is possible that your firewall may be interfering with the connection to the internet. While both your router and the bluray device say that you are in fact connected to the internet and there is no problems with your internet (you can connect to websites on another device, etc.), your firewall may be blocking out the official connection to the internet as it sees the bluray as an unidentified device so for your safety, it is blocking it. There should be a way (depending on your firewall protection program) to allow the firewall to let the bluray have access to the internet.
  21. ^^0NG | [FaceWAN] Kevin STEAM_0:1:25622353 Name: ^^0NG | [FaceWAN] Kevin Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:25622353 Reasons for the Ban: no recoil Recommended duration of ban: your decision Demo Provided?: Y/N yes; Facewan Ducky Momo |BAR| brought it to my attention. i'm sorry i there were somethings that I left out, i've have never done a demo ban request before. please enlighten me on the things i forgot.
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