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Captain Giraffe BAR

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Everything posted by Captain Giraffe BAR

  1. Me with some of my English mates and an Italian at their going away party In Argentina, after a 16 hour bus-ride to watch a PerĂº game. At another friend's going away party. Countries represented in this picture, from left to right: Greece, Ghana, Korea, Peru, USA, Ethiopia, Wisconsin (is a country), and Vietnam
  2. Thanks for the feedback y'all! I'll post whatever videos I record here
  3. Thanks Major! I was planning on doing a version of Van Morrison's Moondance. I'll post it here when I do.
  4. I used a Samson go mic. I added a bit of reverb but that's it.
  5. Bon chance!! You got this mate!!
  6. FIXED! I suck at internet :3
  7. Earlier this week I decided to start recording some songs that I like to play and posting them on youtube, because I'm super original. I'd love to get your feedback: do you like it? Do you hate it? Why do you hate it? Why do you hate me? What have I dooooneeee??? *ahem* But seriously, let me know what you guys think! House of the Rising Sun - The Animals Heart in a Cage - The Strokes Common People - Pulp
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