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Captain Giraffe BAR

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Everything posted by Captain Giraffe BAR

  1. USA (123) Norway (61) Sweden (57)
  2. Japan (1) USA (125) Norway (58) Sweden (57)
  3. Teachey did you add one to USA and Sweden?
  4. Well so far I havent been raped or lit On fire but Branem has taken Many pictures of me "for the forums" But I think they're for his private Collection...
  5. Japan (4) USA (124) Norway (57) Sweden (56)
  6. Japan (7) USA (123) Norway (56) Sweden (55)
  7. Japan (10) USA (122) Norway (55) Sweden (54)
  8. Japan (10) USA (121) Norway (56) Sweden (54)
  9. So if I go missing, you know who did it.... Just kidding! I'm leaving today to go to Norway!! So I'll post updates here about the trip, and I'll be working on a documentary to expose the real Branem and all his mystery.
  10. Japan (11) USA (122) Norway (55) Sweden (53)
  11. Fuck off Mottola!! Japan (12) USA (123) Norway (54) Sweden (52)
  12. Japan (14) USA (122) Norway (54) Sweden (51)
  13. Japan (15) USA (125) Norway (51) Sweden (50)
  14. Japan (17) USA (123) Norway (51) Sweden (50)
  15. She did give a lot of people a lot of reasons to dislike her. She pissed off essentially everyone in the north over the miner's strikes, everyone in Europe and Ireland over the IRA. She supported the brutal dictatorship of Pinochet long after he was deposed and convicted of crimes against humanity. She called the ANC a terrorist organization and refused to impose sanctions on South Africa long after the rest of the west had and she even took away free milk from kids in state sponsored schools! So, not trying to justify dancing on graves, but plenty of people have plenty of grievances.
  16. Japan (22) USA (121) Norway (50) Sweden (48)
  17. Japan (23) USA (120) Norway (49) Sweden (49)
  18. And quit hating on Norway, assholes! Japan (26) USA (116) Norway (49) Sweden (50)
  19. Japan (26) USA (115) Norway (50) Sweden (50)
  20. Well fuck Japan (27) USA (116) Norway (49) Sweden (49)
  21. Watkis took one off Norway AND England. So ignoring the last two posts, let's try this again. Japan (28) USA (113) England (1) Norway (50) Sweden (49)
  22. Japan (28) USA (113) England (1) Norway (50) Sweden (49)
  23. I have a lot of problems with some of her policies and opinions but nevertheless, may she rest in peace.
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