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Captain Giraffe BAR

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Everything posted by Captain Giraffe BAR

  1. Thank you Wagner!
  2. For the last month or so, I've been working on putting out Let's Play videos with a buddy of mine on YouTube. Idk if any of you have any interest in Fortnite, but basically the premise of our show is we try to recreate famous buildings of the world in the game. Here's an episode we did featuring the Arc de Triomphe. I'd love to hear any feedback y'all have!
  3. Happy Birthday McDowell!
  4. Yeah dude! I even recorded an EP a few years ago - https://sebastiansings.bandcamp.com/album/sandburg I haven't done a lot since then, but I'm working on some things now for the near future! Mostly just been doing grad school stuff (finished in December) and working on a documentary. Also been doing some let's plays and other video editing. What have I missed???
  5. Hey all, It has apparently been two years (!!???!!) since I posted anything here. It's crazy how quickly time passes. Anyway, I hope all of you are well, and hopefully I'll get in some games on the pub server soon. Idk if I still know anyone on here (it seems most people I do are Ret. now), but I hope you're all well. Best regards (and *giraffe noises*), Capt. Giraffe
  6. Hope you don't have any more unwelcome surprises Dillon, and the recovery goes well!
  7. Wait Lloyd are you a yiddo?? PLEASE SAY YOU'RE A YIDDO!
  8. This isn't right, on a number of levels. A very vocal part of Crimea has spoken out in favor of joining Russia, sure, but the Russian government has bussed over scores of Russian citizens to sell that image as well. The oldest inhabitants of Crimea, the Tatars who have lived there since the Mongolian conquest, have had virtually no say in the matter, and would much rather live under a Ukranian government that doesn't try to systematically deport them like the Russian government has for 200 years. The "vote" that was held most certainly was not democracy, as it was entirely orchestrated and run by the autocratic Russian government as a pretense for annexation. And it does matter. You know who cares about Russia's annexation of Crimea? Moldova, Poland, Estonia, countries that have seen shit like this happen before and know what it leads to. This is not a good thing, I can guarantee you that, and it will have ramifications. They might not be military ramifications, I certainly hope they aren't, but they will be significant.
  9. This song's everything I love and thus tells you all you need to know about me.
  10. Well Crimea's basically the nicest part of Ukraine, so I think it would beat the hell out of Afghanistan.
  11. And in most states in the U.S... doesn't mean she's not too young lol
  12. That "olympic ring guy found dead" story is fake. It's the Daily Currant which is a fucking idiotic "satirical" publication that makes up stories that sound real.
  13. I could spend days talking about how this is a very popular attitude because of the decades-long conflict the USA had with the USSR, and how there's loads of Schadenfreude at seeing a long-time rival screw up. American media have had a field day pointing out everything that goes wrong, and you better believe they're picking every little thing apart moreso than they have for any other Olympic competition -including the one that was held in a city where people need masks to go outside because the air is so fucking polluted. Of course there are issues with these Olympics, of course there is corruption, the threat of terrorism, and last-minute preparations. These problems that have occurred at tons of Olympics over the years. Does that excuse them? No, of course not, but do Americans take more joy from Russia's failures than others, yes. I don't like Vladimir Putin: I think he's a tyrant, a bully, and I think the way he's able to play on Russians' fears and convictions to get what he wants is disturbing to say the least. But I sympathize with the Russian people, many of whom are immensely proud of these Olympics, and I'm annoyed at how blatantly so much American coverage is massively biased against the host country.
  14. The guy was sober for like 23 years, you guys have no clue about what kind of father he was, or any idea of who he was in his private life. Addiction is complicated, and to point the finger at a dead man is unproductive and disrespectful. It's not your place to judge. RIP Mr. Hoffman, you were truly a great actor. Almost Famous and Capote are two of my favorites of his.
  15. That would be very nice Engle. I got a winter coat and some books. Too embarrassed to ask for any videogames this year
  16. Where'd you get that 2% number? Because it seems there are some scientists who disagree with you. In fact, the UN has estimated that livestock account for nearly 15% of all human-caused greenhouse gasses. The EPA even puts agriculture as the primary source of methane emissions, globally. Forests' methane emissions are the biggest natural source of methane -less than 1% of the globe's methane emissions-, but this is mitigated by chemical processes in the soil, that cattle grazing can also affect, through soil-degradation from overgrazing. Deforestation for grazing releases CO2 stored in trees, which contributes much more to the greenhouse effect than the methane they naturally produce. But the damage of cattle farming extends beyond greenhouse gasses. The livestock sector is one of the biggest contributors to air and water contamination, biodiversity loss and land degradation. I'm not saying you have to go vegetarian or vegan or anything like that, but if you cut meat and cheese from your diet for one day (1 day!) of the week, it would be the equivalent of taking 7.6 million cars off the road. Just think about that for a second.
  17. But of course, most people don't give a shit, because steak tastes better than conservation. Which is fucked up
  18. It might not be healthy, but it's more environmentally responsible to be a vegetarian or a vegan. I'm neither, but I have cut down on the amount of meat I eat considerably over the last two years. What people don't tend to think about is the environmental cost of the industry required to produce all the meat people consume. As the planet's population grows, and the per capita GDP of countries like China increases, more and more people start eating meat. That means more and more cows, pigs, etc. need to be produced, which, in addition to contributing considerable amounts of greenhouse gasses such as methane, also leads to the destruction of ecosystems. In places like the Amazon, one of the leading causes of deforestation is to make way for fields for grazing, which is largely unsustainable. So not only does big agriculture contribute methane to the atmosphere, it also removes trees that could help mitigate that greenhouse effect. So, if you cutting down on your consumption of meat is just another thing you can do, like investing in fuel-efficient cars/light bulbs/etc., to ensure there's still some planet left over for your descendents.
  19. It's definitely not 100 times worse in Europe. First of all, that's a massive generalization, and second of all, the image tons of people on this side of the Atlantic have of hooliganism is outdated. A lot of people think it's STILL as bad as it was in the 80s, which was the true height of hooligan violence, and firm violence. Where it IS 100 times worse is in Brazil and Argentina, where people have died at multiple games in the past year.
  20. My vote just tied her up! Not literally... I mean, to first pla- aw forget it.
  21. Youtube's been full of videos of goats talking/singing like people for the last couple years. Probably a nod to that
  22. That beach at the end is in Brighton, England. Beeeeeen there
  23. You should probably show her my music, you know, purely for professional reasons. Trying to expand my fan base and whatnot...
  24. You guys are going to scare Powell off again
  25. Oh come on
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