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Ucar 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Ucar 1st MRB

  1. Name:Jägerbomb Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:8861055 Duration of Ban:no recomendation Reasons for the Ban:Disrespect to Unit Demo Provided?: No Comments:Please refer to the ban request of "/WG\ The Great Beast"
  2. Name: Time $hare Mafia Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:123152383 Duration of Ban:No recomendation Reasons for the Ban:Disrespect to Unit, Mic spam, disrespect to pubbers Demo Provided?: No Comments: Please refer to the ban request of "/WG\ The Great Beast"
  3. Name: /WG\ The Great Beast Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:175958712 Duration of Ban:Life Reasons for the Ban: Disrespect to Unit, Mic spam, disrespect to pubbers Demo Provided?: Muppet Puncher was present and essential in handeling these guys Comments: The chat was not at all game related, and it began to get very edgy, and at times was flat out racist. At that time I wrote in chat since my mic was not working something along the lines of 'we do not condone racist or hateful language on our server." After that the chat was filled with all our favorites: pilitics, religion, racism, and began to disrespect "whoever owns this server". "Jägerbomb" chimed in the disrespect and got kicked, while "/WG\ The Great Beast" was banned in game by mupped puncher for his directly racist comments. "Time $hare Mafia" had nothing nice to say about anyone, was thouraghually involved in the discussions mentioned, and was disrespecting loyal pubbers by name, even after they had left the server. He left the server on his own free will. I hope he never comes back. Thank Muppet Puncher for dealing with these guys they were no fun.
  4. Name:dodzilla Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:84954 Duration of Ban: 36 hours Reasons for the Ban:Unsportsmanlike conduct Demo Provided?: No Comments:Please refer to the ban request of 'chris w'
  5. Name:brokedik Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:182539342 Duration of Ban:One week Reasons for the Ban:Unsportsmanlike conduct Demo Provided?: No Comments:Please refer to the ban request of 'chris w'
  6. Name:lizardking ♋ Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:45999932 Duration of Ban:One week Reasons for the Ban:Unsportsmanlike conduct Demo Provided?: No Comments: Please refer to the ban request of 'chris w'
  7. Name: chris w Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:8174361 Duration of Ban: One week Reasons for the Ban: Unsportsmanlike conduct Demo Provided?: No Comments: Many I joined the pub last night for some late night gaming, it was not a pleasant sight. The m00n team was doing well as they do, with another member on the way. I politley asked "the m00n team" several times to switch sides after 3 consecutive wins, if they were going to stack 3 deep. I also mentioned what would be preferred, would be for them to not all stack on one team every map. This was a reasonable request made through audio and visual requests (txt and voice). By the next map, after no changes in behavior, with 3 players with m00n in their names and with a fourth one on the way: I watched "chris w" aka 'm00nfetus' switch back and forth from spectate to the losing team, spectate then back, never joining up, never contributing. The losing team was also down several teammates. He was asked several times to stop with monkey business. 'chris w' was doing this in an obvious effort to not play against his m00n team. How this story ends is eventually he finds a way on the team with his buddies, never firing a shot in their direction. Playing on a solid 4 man (or woman) team with your friends is fun, but not when it is at the expense of the pub. Loyal and new found pubbers alike, left during this time. The map change happened well before 25 minutes had passed. I had not been playing for longer than 20 minutes. They were trolling our server. It was intentional. They were asked several times to not stack, all of them were involved. Only 'Human Wreck' aka 'dodzilla' aka 'm00nsauce' showed any intentions to listen to what I had to say but it was very short lived. He rejoined his team after only a few minutes of playing on the opposing team. As far as all of them go I believe they should be given some kind of message: They are welcome to play on our server. They are not welcome to troll our server. When I asked them to not stack 4 deep on one team, they changed their names. "lizardking ♋" aka 'm00nlanding', All he did was laugh on the mic at people he killed. He did not listen to any requests. 'brokedik' aka 'm00npizza' was also heavily involved a group effort of disrespect. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND They be banned for at least a week. Despicable behavior. If you have any questions about the details please contact me. I have no issues as far as exploits or hax with these guys, that is not my problem with them. It is their attitude, it is not the kind of fun gaming environment that I have come to enjoy and at times take for granted. Today they have all stuck with the name changes, and were not stacking teams. That is great. I still stand by my previous recommendation. I thought when an admin asked you to do something, or stop doing something, even if its not explicitly in the rule book (such as moving furniture in pub game) you were supposed to do it. By not listening to me, responding with "because the other team is full of a bunch of teamkillers" was just disrespectful. And made it obvious he could hear me, even though they showed no signs of caring about what I had to say. I realize I do not have admin privileges, but I have been playing this game, on this server for a very long time and I know what trolling looks like. I want to be able to enjoy playing against these guys, they just make it very hard to. And it has nothing to do with their skill. I hope our admins continue to address this issue and not just let these guys slide. Being good at a game does not give you the right to make other gamers feel uncomfortable or unwelcome.
  8. Name: Red Baron Steam I.D: U:1:10820254 Reasons for the Ban: Joined the server around 3 am there were 4 players left including Sheriff, who he immediately began to harass sexually, talking very dirty to him. Sheriff didn't seem to mind, but also made clear he did not appreciate Red Baron's advances and would not like to see Red Baron for quite some time. On a serious note one of the words he used was hateful and should never be tolerated on our server. Recommended duration of ban: 60 days Demo Provided?: No
  9. Hell yea, this is Pavlov's house!!!
  10. Name:C/WO. Z. Blade [11thCID] Steam I.D:Unknown Date & Time of ban:12/1/16 around 13:00 EST Admin who banned you: TSgt. S. Magic [1st MRB] Reason we should Unban:Banned for TKing. "The guy Captain Cat was tking all last map, and this map, and no admin was on, he was using mg and killing the entire team, so Jib and I decided to stop him, so the rest of the team could play" http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198329492405 I believe if an admin had been on this could have been prevented. At least TK's on the part of C/WO. Z. Blade of the 11th CID could have been. C/WO. Z. Blade has shown remorse for their actions an I believe we have made our point. If the ban cannot be lifted I would request that it be no longer than 3 days.
  11. Name:Jib Steam I.D:Unknown Date & Time of ban:12/1/16 around 13:00 EST Admin who banned you:TSgt. S. Magic [1st MRB] Reason we should Unban:Banned for TKing. "The guy Captain Cat was tking all last map, and this map, and no admin was on, he was using mg and killing the entire team, so Jib and I decided to stop him, so the rest of the team could play" http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198329492405 I believe if an admin had been on this could have been prevented. At least TK's on the part of Jib could have been. Jib has shown remorse for their actions an I believe we have made our point. If the ban cannot be lifted I would request that it be no longer than 3 days.
  12. Ouch the graphics hurt my eyes, I refuse to play this! Of course that's what i said about Dod:S
  13. I think we are all going to have to step our game up a little. Its going to be a lot of work keeping the pub politics-free over the next few weeks at least.
  14. U 'oo', as in 'moo' Ç 'ch' as in 'church' - this is where the accent or emphasis would be, not on the 'U' if anything remember that! A a short 'a' as in 'star' R as in i will 'regret' posting this
  15. Name:Ykä Steam I.D:U:1:149307910 Duration of Ban:One Week Reasons for the Ban:Teamkilling Demo Provided?: No Comments:He was warned several times.
  16. Name:Raptor Jesus Steam I.D:U:1:116565505 Duration of Ban:Two weeks Reasons for the Ban:Teamkilling, they were warned Demo Provided?: N Comments:These guys are regulars. Their behavior and attitude needs to be checked.
  17. Name:SMOKER$$$$$$$ Steam I.D:U:1:30138203 Duration of Ban:Two weeks Reasons for the Ban:Teamkilling, they were warned Demo Provided?: N Comments: These guys are regulars. Their behavior and attitude needs to be checked.
  18. Name:peter Steam I.D:U:1:376345511 Duration of Ban:Life Reasons for the Ban:Racisim Demo Provided?: N Comments: peter: shut up *bleep* Wehrmacht score 2 points peter: shut up *bleep* Join the 1st MRB at www.1stMarineRaiders.com
  19. Name:sheeittt Steam I.D:U:1:30688943 Duration of Ban:One Month Reasons for the Ban:Not listening to admin, Team Killing, disrespect. Demo Provided?: No Comments: Helm and O'Hare were present. This guy had no good intentions. As soon as he joined he started making really vulgar statements about pubbers' mothers and grandmothers. No respect.
  20. Name:UnleashedKLRZ3241 Steam I.D:U:1:305004026 Duration of Ban: Two Weeks Reasons for the Ban: Teamkilling, teamwounding, disrespect. Taking advantage of no admin on full server. Demo Provided?: No Comments: Guilty.
  21. Name:Roger That Steam I.D:U:1:1852377 Duration of Ban: Two Weeks Reasons for the Ban: Teamkilling, teamwounding, disrespect. Taking advantage of no admin on full server. Demo Provided?: No Comments: Guilty.
  22. Name:bigt989 Steam I.D:U:1:301434217 Duration of Ban: Two Weeks Reasons for the Ban: Teamkilling, teamwounding, disrespect. Taking advantage of no admin on full server. Demo Provided?: No Comments: Guilty.
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