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Ucar 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Ucar 1st MRB

  1. Name:baby seal clubber Steam I.D:U:1:106889325 Duration of Ban: Two Weeks Reasons for the Ban: Teamkilling, teamwounding, disrespect. Taking advantage of no admin on full server. Demo Provided?: No Comments: Guilty.
  2. Name:McDolan Steam I.D:U:1:132068941 Duration of Ban:2 Months Reasons for the Ban:Team killing Demo Provided?: N Comments: A very efficient team killer
  3. Name:LoneSoldierRyan Steam I.D:U:1:26133581 Duration of Ban:One month Reasons for the Ban:Team killing , and disrespect, and not listening to admin Demo Provided?: N Comments: killed 5 in spawn so far team killed maybe 10
  4. Name:Erin Hannon Steam I.D:U:1:99448012 Duration of Ban:2 weeks Reasons for the Ban:racism, biggotry, and Purposful TK Demo Provided?: No Comments: and i quote: (Dead) Erin Hannon: fag ... Erin Hannon: vloody *bleep* ... Erin Hannon: sorry ssgt ... Erin Hannon: *bleep*
  5. Name: castor Steam I.D: [incorrect Steam ID] Duration of Ban: one month Reasons for the Ban: TK Demo Provided?: No Comments: Sgt. W. Newman was there
  6. Name: carlitos Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:71660449 Duration of Ban: one month Reasons for the Ban: TK Demo Provided?: No Comments: Sgt. W. Newman was there
  7. Name: Almin Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:36774281 Reasons for the Ban: Disrespect, unconfirmed team killing Recommended duration of ban: One Month, maybe he was having a bad day. Demo Provided?: No
  8. Name:: 64fathead Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:27199508 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional Execution of a Teammate in cold blood Recommended duration of ban: one week Demo Provided?: No
  9. Name: Terminus, Kansas, and Tennis. Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:37657679 Duration of Ban: Life Reasons for the Ban: Mass Team Slaughter Demo Provided?: No Comments: Terminus and Kansas were banned on the spot, and one of which may have been Tennis returning under a different alias. If someone posts an Unban request, it could be legit, I just had to stop the tking. The steam ID was looked up for me by a player who got tk'ed, If there is an issue again contact me.
  10. Name:TELL ME HOW MY ASS TASTE Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:11351228 Duration of Ban: Life Reasons for the Ban: Racist comments Demo Provided?: No Comments: Took place on: 12-01-12 at 10:56 pm. Gio from BAR was witness.
  11. I cant start a new topic on MP Archives, and have a Ban Report to post
  12. Name: JiggahWhat! Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:25053653 Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Recommended duration of ban: Life Demo Provided?: No, I spectated him, TSgt. A. Rather was present.
  13. Name: SPVCXGHXZTPVRRP.BLVCKLVNDRVDIX Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:17491988 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional Team Killing Recommended duration of ban: Life Demo Provided?: No
  14. Whats up 1st MRB, just wanted to say thanks for all the help from the many members of the Unit in my enlistment. The more i learn about the Unit the cooler it gets, and I'm glad i finally got off my ass and enlisted. I would post this someplace else, but it still says "what the fuck are you doing Recruit", a saying that i have grown fond of hearing Just a bit about myself: im 24 and live in maryland, im a barback at Blackfinn in Bethesda, and just started going back to school, speaking of which, i may seem awol for a few weeks, but i will definitely find time to check in. New to ventrillo and the forums, so it may take me a while to get into the groove, but you guys have been patient with me so far, and i appreciate that a lot. My last name is pronounced (ou-CHAR), but everyone in high school, and NJROTC called me (YOU-car)(EW-car), so its not a big deal, I've had more 1st members try and pronounce my name right than anyone i went to high school with, which i think is cool as shit. First name is Aykut (aye-KOOT) (Aye Koot You Car) get it? lol. no but forreal that's my name its Turkish, born American, raised in Ohio, thus i have trouble understanding sarcasm, lol, but am not easily offended at all, try to put out positive vibes. That being said, if i ever do offend you in any way, or are telling too many people on the pub server that I'm going to shit in their caskets, don't be afraid to get real with me, cause i don't always get a joke, but i always get an order. I quit playing dod for a long time, and just started playing 8 months ago, but have been playing it since beta. I have grown comfortable (at times too comfortable) with the 1st so my transition from civilian to private has been shaky at times, but i am proud to be apart of something bigger (way bigger) than myself. The best thing about the Unit is the word of the Unit, and those who speak it. It was the deciding factor of my Enlistment. Respect is deeply rooted in my upbringing, and and i try to honor that upbringing and take pride in my work. Discipline is still a working progress. By the way, sorry for the triple tk/suicide nade where three members of the 1st Marine Raiders lost their lives. (primed rifle nade, lost control, tried to minimize damage but... i choked and diddn't even call 'dead nade') My condolences to their Families and Friends. Although i do miss 1/6 rifle grenades, that wont happen again anytime soon, scouts honor. With that said, i look forward to getting to know everyone better, getting better at DoD:S, and having good times. -Pvt. A. Ucar 1st MRB
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