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  1. Went to spec and was banned for "Disrespecting an Admin". Makes it a bit tough to get a demo and even tougher to believe that the admin wasn't a problem. I wouldn't say you're being rude, just pouting. Though to be fair if I were in your shoes. I wouldn't want to believe that any of my friends were the cause of a problem that they are charged with preventing. However that doesn't so much fix the problem as simply sideline it and make it worse later on. If you'd rather keep things private, then you could consider taking the conversation to PM. This would allow you to address the person's concerns and avoid any embarrassing rants from either party. Like I said prior, its nice to see the Corps getting the love on DODS and I'm not here to bash your clan. For the most part you kids have been pretty awesome to game with over the last year or so. Just try to remember that even though someone is a member of your unit, doesn't make them into instant angels. Since I seriously doubt an unban is likely to happen. I'll say take care and enjoy. Nizer.
  2. I'm sorry for posting here but I couldn't find anywhere else that would allow me to post a new topic. I thought I should warn you about two of your members, Giovannoli and Fujiwara. Both have been raiding other servers using scripts such as glass walls and autoaim. EGO and XXL seem the common points that I see them myself. I also know that when confronted about their actions within your own server they begin kicking or banning. Three of us were banned/kicked this past week when we questioned Giovannoli and Fujiwara followed us to EGO and proceeded to raid the server. Best of luck guys, its nice to see the Corps has love in DoDS. Nizer.
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