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Everything posted by rawr

  1. i dont understand the concept...
  2. eh, not all rap is terriable.
  3. makes me feel....a bit confused
  4. its just..a white box.
  5. omfg dawson that pic is epic lol
  6. rawr


    So thats what your little nephew looks like...that kid is annoying..need to control him..hes like UHUHUHUHUU all over skype and your breathing doesnt help either sousa
  7. rawr


    Hellz yea, took advantage of dat shit, skyrim for meh ^^
  8. I'd flip the fuck out. Crazy green bitch jumpin off a barn....
  9. No, the writer was a god. Cant hate on wizard of oz yo, its beast.
  10. who would have thought....
  11. rawr

    My Cat!

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