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Zorbanos 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Zorbanos 1st MRB

  1. Name: ϟϟAlt.Right Kek_Diesel_250 Steam I.D: [U:1:97210603] 06:07 Reasons for the Ban: Racism, General hate speech Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: N
  2. Name: Defender of Flavortown Steam I.D::12443052] U:1:120763703 Reasons for the Ban: Extreme TK'ing (-29-32 is current score) Recommended duration of ban: Perm to Months Demo Provided?: N
  3. It won't. The reality of the situation is: who gives a shit about Crimea? It's historically and ethnically a Russian territory. Russia has a MAJOR stake in holding on to the peninsula, and if the Ukranian gov. wants to lean towards the west thats fine, but the Russians wont allow major military installations to be held by a western leaning nation, especially when those installations are in an area that is markedly pro-russian (if you believe the status quo the news is reporting). The whole nuclear power thing is irrelevant here: in a conventional war, the Ukranians would lose embarrassingly, and neither Europe nor the US is interested in engaging Russia in a conventional war over its understandable desire to seize territory it deems vital to its natinal security, despite its encroachment on the rights of a sovereign nation. And despite the vote being illegal, the reality is is the Crimean people voted to secede, that was a democratic action. It would by rather hyppocritical of the US and the West to say "hey thats not ok, thats illegal". The American Revolution was illegal. The French revolution was illegal. The Mexican revolution was illegal. Countless other European revolutions were illegal. That does not mean they were not the right thing for those people to do. The Crimean people have spoken. Russia wants Crimea, Crimea wants Russia. The rest of the world cannot decide for others what they should or should not do. Now if the Russians start pulling some Hitler shit, and begin preparing to annex other territories in addition to Crimea (which was an autonomous state within Ukraine) that would be different. The world would probably not stand for another war of expansion by a european power. but lets be real, the people with the most stake and therefore the most say in the matter are Europeans, and if there's anything history has taught us its that Europeans do not fight for each other, they fight for themselves. If Russia were to try to start taking territory that is part of the whole of Ukraine or spread into other neighboring countries, it would be interesting to see how the world reacts. But lets be real, who's willing to die to prevent Russia for taking over a few Eastern European nations. Raise your hands high please.
  4. Brown helped me with this outside of this forum, the situation is resolved
  5. I had McAfee but it has since expired and im quite sure im not running any such software now. i went to my control panel to turn off the windows firewall and i can do anything because McAfee's firewall (which appears to be off) overrides it.
  6. Name: Austin Zorbanos Rank: Ret. Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Software Brief Description of Issue: Everytime i try to play Compnay of Heroes 2, steam finishes the installation of it. Just before finishing installation, steam sends me a message stating "The Steam servers are too busy to handle your request. Errors Code 53", thus preventing me from playing. Ive tried to find some answers via steam but so far no luck. Can anyone offer assistance? ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: (Researching, Pending Reply, Resolved, Unresolved) Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  7. dat steak sandwich recipe doe.....
  8. This appears to be more of a road rage incident though?
  9. welcome back sir!
  10. I miss playing with you late nights Stone. Still working as a CO?
  11. I have all of them since Rome I :3
  12. Whats the link to the video? im very curious!
  13. Righteous jabs, way to go!
  14. The government shutdown is pretty much the Tea parties fault. they are forcing mainstream republicans to become hardliners or risk losing their seats in primary elections. I definitely agree that the Democrat's aren't really working with the Republicans on the matter, but seriously, would you? The Republicans are LITERALLY holding the government hostage over Obamacare. If they want to fight the law, do it, but this whole political strategy of trying to make the Democrats look bad and shutting down the government is malarkey. Personally, i see the budget and the issue over the ACA as two totally different issues, and the Republicans are turning into one. Btw, the Senate sent the bill back to the House, taking out the part about defunding the ACA and delaying the invidual mandate by one year, and added in a temporary measure to fund the govenment for another six week so that they could work out a compromise. But the House wouldn't accept it, i dont think they even let it go to a vote. And another important factor someone else above mentioned, is so many people are against Obamacare, and have no fucking clue what they are talking about. I have also seen surveys that find people disagreeing with Obamacare, yet when thy break down the portions of the law people support it, without even realizing its in the bill. Frankly, people are uninformed because of the news. Fox spreads lies about Democrats and vice versa. MSNBC doesnt even tell the whole truth about what the ACA is, they just talk about how awesome it is. So you have bad facts competing with no facts, and people take the bad facts as truth. TL;DR, its mostly the Tea Party and Republicans fault, ill have to disagree with you there. But there is definitely blood on both parties hands, the two party system is failing, and its largely due to an ill-informed, distracted electorate.
  15. WOW this is sick. I love me some good fiddlin'. fact that shes a woman and its dubstep is all the more awesome.
  16. Sorry it took my so long to respond. Problem is fixed. Thank you Holland!
  17. Fear the beard!
  18. did not work. i tried copy and paste and typing it in manually
  19. Name: Austin Zorbanos Rank: SSgt. Type of issue: Software Brief Description of Issue: Whenever i launch natural selection 2 it is stuck in 1600x900 rez, my resolution on my monitor is 1980xwhatever and the problem is i am unable to adjust the resolution in game due to resolution mismatches. I believe i need a way to adjust the resolution settings on the game without being in game. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Holland Supporting Technician:
  20. Good luck to ya man! not having any real knowledge of it, but just speculating, if your main default is arm strength i feel pretty positive that is something that can be overcome through sheer hard work, so keep at it! You'll probably go to a lot of try outs and work with alot of minor league teams before getting to the show, but i think you should keep at it, you said youre 21 and need another 2 years to get you B.A.? keep at that, no doubt, but dont give up on baseball! At 23 or 24 you're still young enough, if you have the talent, to wind up as a pro.
  21. Where is the files that Manning released is anyone knowingly targeting innocent civilians? Did i miss something? I spent a couple hours looking through summaries of what he released, and i don't remember there being much about torture comitted by US forces or deliberate executions or targeting of civilians. I remember reading that Iraqis tortured prisoners captured by Americans, or that America turned over prisoners knowing that the Iraqis were torturing people, but i dont remember any details of US soldiers torturing prisoners was released? And where is the deliberate killing of civilians? It exposed that we we under reporting civilian casualties but its not like we were going door to door executing people? there are civie casualties in war and naturally the party causing those casualties is going to under report it, just as the affected side is going to over report it. I guess my point is, Bradley Manning i characterized as a whistle blower exposing corruption and government malpractice, but i just dont really see that in the information he released..none of it benefitted the American people. It really just seemed to confirm what most people know in that we fucked up in Iraq and our diplomats are smug. None of it as grounding breaking, and he DEFINITELY committed a crime by releasing classified documents as a member of the US armed forces. I dont see why people are framing him as some sort of hero. He's not Snowden, these guys aren't even in the same league. TL;DR: Maybe i missed something in my research on Cablegate and the Iraq and Afghan War logs leaked by Snowden, but i didnt see anything that would classify him as a whistleblower, so i don't see why he is hailed as some hero who deserves to get a light punishment.
  23. dOES anybody know what the shell racks do in this game? it appears they change what sorts of ammunition are carried, but what perks and drawbacks are there from that? it appears you go down in the variety of ammunition you carry when you "upgrade"... im lost
  24. Im pretty hooked, its definitely a fun game, really in depth yet simple.
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