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Zorbanos 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Zorbanos 1st MRB

  1. Who else is pumped to get Mass Effect 3? Been a fan ever since the first one. What platform do you play it on? I use my 360 but im wondering what its like on pc.... anyone got a comparison?
  2. Love the FMJ bit at the end. nice work!
  3. Sold! The only thing i dont like thats different is the monthly installment set-up
  4. Is it alot like WoW or is it more of its own thing? Or is it true to the originals?
  5. Everything is better about Texas! Especially the women. Dallas is a badass town
  6. Helllll yeah! Pvt. tags at long last! thanks for the support guys. So glad to be officially in the unit. Thanks to Maj. Parker, 2ndLt. Swartz, and MstSgt. Sarsons for a great time in BCT. Got a perfect score on the rifle range Sniper MOS here i come!
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