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Zorbanos 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Zorbanos 1st MRB

  1. zorbo67
  2. This is true, my beloved Red Sox have definitely gotten rid of some fan favorites over the years, i.e. Garciaparra in '04 (which is a major bummer, i wish Nomar could have won that world series with them). It definitely depends, and its all apart of a larger equation, as you say. But if Brewers fans were to just completely disown Braun for this, as i think they should, and as i would if it were a member of the Red Sox, i would be surprised if management didn't get rid of him. But then, the flip side of that coin, is people would go see him play BECAUSE they hate him, because they want to be there to boo him, i.e. Ty Cobb, Jackie Robinson, the entire Yankees team wherever they show up (LOL).
  3. Oh no sir, that is totally wrong. Of course they do. They want to have big name players that will put butts in their seats and drive up revenue, hence why poor performing teams will keep big stars on their teams, even though they could trade them in order to improve the future quality of their team. I was just listening to some guys discuss Raul Ibanez in Seattle, its this exact case. They wont trade him because just his name sells tickets, especially for a team that has little else going for it, even though he's having a good season and they could probably get some good, younger players for him. Ownership is in the business of making money. They want to sell tickets and t shirts, that is their primary concern. Its not always that simple, but when you boil it down, it generally is. Why do they want to win? So that interest in the team will rise, they can sell more tickets, and jack up the prices.
  4. Also, it should start being thrown into contracts that if you use PEDs and are caught, your contract is voided. Braun is giving up like 3 million due to his suspension this year, yet he's still owed what, 113 million? (don't quote me on those, but those are vaguely the numbers i remember hearing) sure his reputation is tarnished, but when you're making that kind of money, who really cares? Clemens didn't. A Rod doesn't. Baseball has done little to actually bite these guys. Until the league and the teams really punish players beyond just suspensions the players won't be afraid of trying it. Use PEDs one year, have an amazing season, sign a fatass contract, and if you get away with it, you're set for life. I think thats how some of these guys really look at it.
  5. How can you still be a fan of someone like this? Blind devotion to your team? Man nobody seems to actually care about guys who cheat in baseball, and thats why they keep doing it. That and they still have a fat ass contract waiting for them when they return. "he's gonna serve his time and he'll be back" man thats just a bullshit way of looking at it. And Parker can speak for himself, but im certain if Melky Cabrera gets suspended due to all this shit, you won't find Parker defending him.
  6. Honestly, if im being followed by some scary dude, I'm not going to confront him. im going to try to get away from him. THE LAST THING IM GOING TO DO IS START AN ALTERCATION WITH HIM. and if he start one with me, ill run. and if he chases me, ill run faster. and if he catches me and beats me down wrongfully because he thinks im some sort of criminal, then im goign to press charges against him and HES going to go to jail for being a fucking asshole. but thats not what happened. who started it isn't clear, but either way, i believe this kid could have avoided zimmerman and not goten into an altercation with him. Granted Zimmerman was overzealous in his neighborhood watch duties, but when it comes to the shooting, he acted in self defense. plain and simple. witnesses testified they saw a man in a red or light colored jacket on the bottom in what was charcterized as a ground and pound fight, zimmerman was wearing a light red jacket on the day in question. to characterize zimmermans injuries as a few scratches is unfair. there are gashes on the back of his head, and he had a broken nose. what were trayvon's injuries? a few scratches on his knuckles? sounds kind of like what happens when you pound someones face with your bare hands... honestly, LT Goodwin makes the best point. There are alot worse things that happen in our country, ESPECIALLY in Chicago. Race murders that go both ways. Murders that have nothing to do with race. but no one gives a fuck about that, at least the media doesnt, except to report on crime statistics and spin them one way or another, for some sort of agenda. Its all bullshit.
  7. Currently banned for 24 hours, if it occurs again the ban duration will be increased.
  8. No Visca, that's not weird. I came
  9. Oh my god....
  10. guy shouldnt have had his windows down, plain and simple. Granted, he couldnt have known it would jump out of the car, but i mean it should have crossed his mind
  11. You were banned because you were consistently speaking in another language. We do not allow languages other than english to be spoken on our server, and you were warned several times about this. Ater you were kicked, you returned to the server and began cursing in another language, i recognized the word "bitch". i know you are regular on our server and usualy abide by our rules, but per our regulations on being an English-only server, i had to ban you. It was only a 30 minute ban, do not force us to increase the length of the ban by disregarding our rules.
  12. Everyone all over the internet is acting like the dog was just barking, but its like they havent wtched the video. The cop with the gun grabs for the dogs leash, and when he does that the dog barks and lunges at his arm, prompting him to fire. If im a cop, im sitting there thinking "there is no way im getting bit by a dog today." That cop was defending himself from a unknown, aggressive dog who had every reason to be aggressive and attack, i.e. his owner being manhandled by strangers. Its an unfortunate set of circumstances, but couldnt have gone any other way after the dog jumped out of the car, unless the dog backed down. People are just using this as another excuse to hate on cops.
  13. Well there's a reason why its voted on every month
  14. +1 This is always a really hard stance to take and defend, and i commend you for laying it out there. Another point id like to add is that in addition to recreational use of these drugs, what people are really uninformed on is the possible medical uses for some of the harder drugs. There has been limited research on using MDMA and Psilocybin in treatment of PTSD and depression, among other emotional instabilities/ neurological disorders. But the laws are so strict on using these drugs that research IS very limited. How can you prove that something has a medical use when it is banned because it has no medical use, according to the government?
  15. Trying to get off the tobacco game. Are e cigarettes taking off everywhere like they are in Dallas? I taste blueberry and satisfy my nicotine needs at the same time =)
  16. So did Bush when he was telling us about Saddam having WMDs right? xD cant always trust the guys making the decisions. they do what they can, but they can EASILY be misled by people. I agree though. I think arming the people is at leadst a real option that should be more openly discussed and debated, but im not all for jumping to conclusions and just deciding "hey lets arm the rebels....GO!" There's a reason why military intelligence has such a bad rap...its not frequently accurate.
  17. Enh i mean when holding up to Band of Brothers and comparing it, the Pacific is outdone. But i think it was still a good show standing on its own I'd also vote for Generatio Kill over the Pacific, but its Apples to Oranges in my opinion
  18. Assad really is massacring his people though. Granted its a civil war so casualty reports usually reflect both sides, estimates range from 90-120k people dead over the last two years, and it has no signs of stopping. Its hard to say we should just sit on the sidelines isnt it? Yet, at the same time, it is a CIVIL war, and from that perspective it really isn't our business to get involved Yet America always has gotten involved, how are we sitting on the sidelines now? If this was a democracy fighting against communism you best believe we would be all over it, at least twenty years ago. Do we no longer care about supporting democracies, or is that only when it serves our interests?
  19. anyone got any tips on preventing succession crisis? my relatives keep rebelling =|
  20. So far i've just started one dynasty as the King of Munester, slowly but surely trying ton conquer Ireland, only on my 2nd generation
  21. Anyone ever play this game? I cannot figure it out, but at ten bucks, i couldnt resist a sale
  22. exactly, the winner in the conflict is not the people, it is whoever has the biggest capacity to inflict violence on others, in the most efficient way. We might not be arming the faction that the people want in power, we will arm whoever we deem worthy and favorable to our interests, whilst also flooding the battlefield with weapons. Therein lies the "morally questionable" discussion,
  23. Juist throwing this out there as a question, does anyone find it morally wrong to flood a warzone like this with weapons? Yeah it may turn the tide of the war, though unlikely, one thing it will for sure do is leave Syria's unstable population much more heavily armed than it was before, which could lead to more problems down the road. Thoughts?
  24. really sad, i loved this guy as an actor, almost everything he did. The Sopranos was my favorite series of all time, although that may change with GoT epicness. Still, sad to see someone so relatively young go
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