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Zorbanos 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Zorbanos 1st MRB

  1. I think Obama is and has been trying to detract from his redline threat alot though. I mean revelations about the possible use of chemical weapons came out like a month ago, granted i give credit to our government for finding out conclusively what the situation is, but its seemed like they have been trying to back down a bit from that statement. I mean sure NOW we're arming the rebels, but that has already been debated as a possible move without the use of chemical weapons, its been called for in congress and argued amongst the administration so i dont see us arming the rebels as the "game changer" at all. Instituting a no fly zone, now that would be a game changer. Im not saying i support such an endeavour, im just pointing out that it appears to me anyways that our government is backing down and isn't anymore keen to help the rebels now than they were two months ago. And i dont blame them man, i dont necessarily agree with arming these guys, sure alot of them are actual rebels against the government but alot of them are violent extremeists and jihadis, the guys most likely to want to fuck with the US.
  2. No one has said we are trying to go into Syria. In fact that's the exact opposite of what the administration has said its going to do and wants to do, and why it has not given much support at all until now, which it is facing criticism for in the international community. I dont particularly disagree with your point, im more of an isolationist, but comparing Syria to Iraq is apples to oranges, and i firmly believe that the US will not invade Syria, nor do i think we are trying to push what we believe on them at all. In fact, so far our stance has more been like "hey you guys better figure this out on your own, but we support what you are doing as a concept". Respectfully disagree. Yeah war funds certain businesses, but that money doesnt necessarily trickle down and benefit the entire economy as a whole. It benefits the military-industrial complex, but i personally have nothing to do with the arms industry. More to the point, the wars are bankrupting the US government, which does have more of a direct effect on me and the economy. Just my 2 cents
  3. Yeah but even Rome's war with Carthage was fought for control of territory, domination of the Mediterranean, etc. Which speaks to the point you're making as is Richards: just because they are other reasons involved in going to war, doesn't mean that benefitting from that war is not the main goal i.e. economically, financially, or what have you. I mean, DUH! why go to war if you won't benefit from it? Yes, there are of course other reasons, taking Peaker's WWII example, like the Nazis and the Soviet just flat out hating each other, hardcore right vs hardcore left. but its silly to think that that was without a doubt and without an argument the main reason for going to war with Russia. Its a resource rich nation, that was unprepared for war = invade! Btw Morton this was a badass speech, where di you find this / see it?
  4. I concur with Magoo, there are alot worse things our politicians do. if this is the only "corrupt" thing Paul does, then i don't consider him corrupt. I dont see how ripping off political committees is a big deal.
  5. What happens next for A-Rod? Think the Yankees will cut him?
  6. Dude, Braun got off on a technicality. They "mishandled the sample". SOunds like some legal bullshit you pull to get out of trouble to me. Sounds lik what OJs attorneys did to get him off on murder. $30,000 for a consulting fee? Followed by a $1500 transaction? C'mon, please... Parker i agree, especially for A-Rod and Braun. A-Rod has admitted to using steroids previously in his career, now he's doing this and lying about it. I also read a report in the NYT a few weeks ago about him buying up documents from the clinic to prevent the MLB having access to them. SO he owns / destroyed the evidence against him. Seriusly fuck that shit, he should be forever removed from baseball. For Braun, im convinced he's guilty and got off on a technicality, and the way he flaunted his "innocence" after everything happened with his case is a kick in the nads to the game of baseball. If there is any more proof that he used banned substances, he should be gone. I am sick of this shit in baseball, the real steroid era guys already fucke dup the records books, why are we tolerating this anymore? What do y'all think? Is pursuing these guys good for baseball or is the possibility of a long drawn out arbitration process bad for the game in the long run?
  7. I think it is fucking awesome that they are making the "greek city states" faction from Rome I into three different factions for Rome II. The historical independence of the Greek city states always threw me off when playing as them in game. Then again, im one of those history nerds that imagines alot of outside factors to make th games seem more realistic....
  8. i can't get any audio from this video? =/
  9. i mean i just have to respectfully disagree here Morton. I think background checks do an excellent job of keeping gun out of the hands of felons, people who are proven criminals, which is really all you can ask for. Sure a felon can have someone buy a gun for them, but its not like thats not illegal. i mean what're you supposed to do? what law can you make to prevent that? they can't stop people from buying alcohol or cigarettes for minors. Obviously yeah, person to person sales aren't regulated like that, but im not so sure they should be. I haven't made up my mind about that. (Its always slightly disturbed me that the Glock 17 my dad bought for me for my 17th birthday was from a friend, and didnt go through any type of official process) I mean even here in the suburbs i have black market gun connections where i can get several illegal weapons (and in Texas, its hard to find an illegal weapon), but that would be an illegal sale and would make me fall into the criminal category. I guess my point to that is, if you have the right connections, you can get anything you want in this country, yes including Ak-47s and automatic weapons. My point to Armstrong is just that that is NOT the case for the vast majority of people in this country, nor does everyone want, nor does everyone think that is ok. Mostly, i think the gun show loophole is the most bullshit, universal background checks, nuff said. So on that i agree. Mostly, im just saying that Armstrong is inorrect in his assumption that ANYONE can get a gun at ANY given time. There's ways through the system, and im all for closing some of those loopholes, even as a gun owner and avid gun enthusiast. But i dont want this country to end up like how things are in the UK, or in Japan, or any other country you want to use as an example for increased gun control. Clearly, there are enough people in this country who agree with me.
  10. you clearly don't have a whole lot of facts Armstrong, because in the majority of my country, (keep in mind, we are a nation of seperate states who have their own laws, as they should) there are actually pretty stringent rules on who can get a gun, and on things like waiting periods, background checks, etc. So, yeah, im going to fucking tell you that not ANYBODY can get a gun AT THIS VERY MOMENT, because honestly, thats not the goddamn case, and i resent you for putting you ill informed opinion out into the world. yu act like its a free for all down here, and its not. there is SOME regulation. ill be the frist one to tell you thats its not enough, we need some more, but no amount of gun regulation is gonna stop crazy people from killing people, or stupid people from knocking each other off. also, don't forget, most places also have laws regarding gun responsibility. for example, if Adam Lanze didnt murder his parents, they would have stood trial for allowing him to obtain their firearms and use them the ay he did. its called criminal negligence in this country. which is exactly what those parents will most likely face: criminal charges for buying their 5 year old a firearm, which led to the tragic death of his sister. also, your assertion that you should have to take tests and training in order to own a firearm, is bullshit. all the government has to do is make that test nearly impossible to pass, or make the training overly expensive (it already is VERY costly yo get a CHL) and BOOM, their goes on of our fundamental rights as Americans. besides that, look at something similar like driving. you gotta take a test to get a drivers license right? is that test foolproof? no. does that test sometimes lead to people driving who shouldnt be? yes. have you driven on roads in America, especially Texas? people have no idea what the fuck they are doing and dont give a shit about anyone else on the road. people kill each other on the road all the time because they are stupid. so cool, go through tests and training, see how that works, if thats going to make any difference. obviously, canada does it differently, but dude, your country is your country, my country is mine, lets leave it at that. im not gonna sit here and make suggestions for how your country should be run, and lump all canadians together in the same category, and make biased generalizations, cause thats just ignorant.
  11. Classic case of drawing conclusions from one incident. Acts as if everyone in America does the same thing, or condones the same thing. Cause we're all the same right? We have a hive mind and just because some people in Kentucky bought a mini-rifle for their kid means we all are on our way right now to buy a gun for our kids. Obvious facts are obvious
  12. love that show xD great scene
  13. I don't see how christianity could be illegal, they ask you to state your religion on your dog tags for gods sake, so that way they can give you the proper prayer or funeral rights when you die. the military is usually pretty tolerant of religion, as long as you don't let it get in the way, at least from what i've seen
  14. Ok, i guess my problem was trying to modify stuff that wasn't Custom. (Duh..) I paid for augment slots, etc. to try and upgrade some of the gear i had, only to waste probably around 15k in creds in a failed attempt. I thought those augment slots were the same as the modification slots *_* So to sum it up, if an item isn't orange, you can't or shouldn't try to add any sort of mods to it? Thing is, for me, i use mostly artifact gear, and just buy the best quality gear for the price for my companions. Usually will buy prototype weapons and green to prototype gear, pending the market prices. Idk maybe im wasting my money, but i make so damn much of it that i don't see what else i would spend it on. I quickly got up to 100k creds around lvl 20 or so i think, now im at 33 and sitting on around 300k, which i consider a small fortune, plenty for any of my needs. Maybe this isn't actually alot, but as i said it seems to be plenty for me. Also, with regard to planetary comms, again i ave a similar problem with creds in that i keep raking em in and don't have much to spend them on, so typically i blow them on prototype or artifact rollboxes, and if i cant use the gear i get from them i just sell it. I'll try seeing what i've got that i can experiment with modifing now, seems easy enough now that i kinda get what you can and can't modify. Another question: I've got a fuck ton of WZ commendations, but the only place i can find to spend them is on the fleet where you have to be lvl 55 and have the expansion, so where the fuck can i spend these comms? I have been banking off of treasure hunting (thanks Vette), made some decent money off of slicing, but i keep getting fucking sensor imprint modules that don't sell for shit. diplomacy is my other skill, just because thats one of quinns specialties, i tried artifice cause i wanted to make some custom lightsabers, but quickly decided crafting was a waste of money and time.
  15. how do you mean? its pretty populated but ive never had to wait to get it or anything. ususally the fleet and dromund kaas have about 200+ people on it, other planets so far ive generally seen 50-70, if those numbers can clarify anything. i take it you can transfer items from one toon to another toon even if they are on a different server? and can someone PLEASE explain HOW THE FUCK item modifications work? i seriously do not understand it at all...cant figure out how to augment or modify my gear to save my life
  16. no need to be condescending morton. i did read your article, but it still didnt answer my specific question, which is why i was appealing to the general community here, not just you. your second article WAS closer to what i was asking, but i think the conclusion i can draw is that shit simply just depends. i personally keep my trunk completely locked to where you can only open it with the master key, which i would never surrender to a cop
  17. probable cause is still required though, same as searching your person or a bag you are carrying. but my question doesn;t concern warrants. my question is IF i CONSENT to a search, can an officer search a locked trunk if i refuse to unlock it?
  18. does anyone know the laws regarding searching a locked trunk? from what i understand, if your trunk (or glovebox) is locked, then even if you do consent to a search, an officer is not allowed to search that area?
  19. I play on the Harbinger, Imperial faction, if anyone wants to hit me up there. char's name is bosseintietz. im going to start either a bounty hunter or some kind of jedi on another server soon, if anyone wants to coordinate!
  20. wow man, im with hudson, i've probably seen this spot a million times, i just dont recognize it. I take it its right off 35 Hudson? Im actually dricing down to Austin tomorrow (I live in Dallas) Another tragic event, regardless of the cause. 3-5 firefighters are currently missing, and there is massive damage to homes nearby. But man, did that little girl freak out or what? thats gotta be jarring, she sounded like she was between 8-14.
  21. LOL thats some class right there, good sense of humor on that one
  22. They say they have a few in for questioning, no suspects though. Odds are he was probably just an Arab man who was hanging around the area and someone tried to connected the dots after the xplosion and deemed his actions "suspicious"
  23. In reference to Nolan Ryan's fight, he was definitely a badass for it. Unfortunately, it seems to be what he is loved for the most by Dallas sports fan, which i find sad. I dont know if this is the view of everyone in Dallas or even the majority, but i've heard several people and several people in the sports media industry talk about how that incident is the sole reason why he is forever a rangers legend. Personally, i find that sad. And i see that attitude reflected in Rangers fans, all around the city, especially at ball games. I can't tell you how many Red Sox games i've been to where Rangers fans started fights with Red Sox fans. And then i've been to Fenway Park at a YANKEES GAME and while there is plenty of shit talking, the two sides sit intermingled through their hatred to watch their teams play.
  24. Bleh. Sox 'pen blows two games in a row. Hanrahan's meltdown the other night was epic. Im not sold on him, two games in a row he gives up lead off home runs in the 9th. Kinda scary if you ask me. Luckily, we dont play the O's again until June, which is good cause im sick of Adam Jones just glad we got our home opener. Start a series against the last AL East Rival tonight, the Rays. Doubront is gonna blow the game tonight, i already know it. Man the Yanks' are on a hitting tear right now...maybe that rain with make them lose all their momentum
  25. No, Greinke didnt hit him intentionally. But he did said something that looked to be along the lines of "What're you gonna do?" after Quentin took a couple steps towards the mound. Was it really smart to antagonize a guy who you just hit with a 90 MPH fastball and has 50 lbs on you? No, no sir. Im not excusing Quentin, im just saying there's two sides to every fight. I think Quentin was and is being a little bitch about getting hit, especially because from what people are saying he gets hit all the time. Suck it up, it wasn't intentional. This "we got beef" thing is just so that he doesnt look like a COMPLETE jackass.
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