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About Lalonde

  • Birthday 05/01/1993

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Forum Pupil (12/91)



  1. Lalonde


    And this is why the mrb has a bad reputation for hack supporting. Have a good day.
  2. Lalonde


    Go figure I try to raise a problem and you just turn around saying you already deal with it. I just went to check to verify. 5 out of you're top 10 are guarentied hackers. 0 tolerance? can't wait to see it.
  3. Lalonde


    difference is Im not going to send posts in the m.p when their regulars that noone will believe me or ex mrb. I send those to the snco's asking to post in you're sgt. quarters so that only admins can discuss about it. clearly the people I thought would do it didnt.
  4. Lalonde


    not of elf cause demoing a toggler is stupid and a waste of time but several others Ive demoed and send to an snco. never heard anything from it after.
  5. Lalonde


    maybe start banning them. just in your top 10 you have 6 or 7 hackers. Im not ganna waste my time with this server anymore cause Ive tried reporting them, noone listens to the whispers. enjoy the shit show. oh and just for fun stuff, you're beloved elf. ya him too. he toggles like a boss. enjoy.
  6. AHAhaha you sound like an english lad until you say you're name at the end! BRILLIANT haha loved it ^.^
  7. ahhaha definatly the right stashe for the job! Keep up the good work hall ^.^
  8. trolol me and my brother did this last year took us almost 6 hours but we did it xD nerdlike but I felt fullfilled once we finished
  9. I said a yeeeeerrrrrrrr
  10. hahahaha I work in construction and I got in a habit of saying it, my coworkers caught onto me saying it a lot and started makin fun of me about it now its just a daily thing thats said all over the job site ^.^ I said a yerrrrrr
  11. Well now I feel a little dumb. My bad I ain't much a picture person but thank you ^.^
  12. Just because there is no exact date specified, I'll ask, in all assumption it's this friday the 6th?
  13. Happy bday cutie! Hope you have a great day
  14. well I'd prefer if you suggest a fps that you have already played and enjoyed. cause even I could name a large list of fps but I have only liked a handfull so again I dont have any general guidelines to a game but I cant play 3rd person so any Fps that you enjoyed and are willing to suggest Ill take a look at it and if it interests me Ill get it. Thanks again guys for the suggestions.
  15. Well ever since I left the mrb I have been banned for walling and aimbotting on just about every one elses server: I will stress I do not at all cheat, Im willing to teamviewer for proof if theirs any doubters out there! But I just dont see the point of playing dods if I can only play on the mrb server which is 90% of my online time full. (I can play on many servers but I dont like playing on euro servers cause I rather play without lag) THUS I am looking for game suggestions that I shoulld check out. -- I am looking for a first person shooter /campain / multiplayer (the underlined is optional.) Games that are similar to any of the following will also do : -War Rock -Gunz Ijji -wolfenstein -return to castle wolfsenstein -Wolfteam Note: I have played combat arms ,ava and soldier front. I dont have a spending limit atm so just hit me up with suggestions plz guys. Much apreaciated.
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