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About Jablonski

  • Birthday 12/03/1992

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  • Location
    Enfield CT USA
  • Interests
    Cars, movies, video games, and changing Bryants interests.

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Forum Owl

Forum Owl (36/91)



  1. PC /thread No seriously gotta go with N64. I cant even begin to imagine how many hours i spent playing battle tank and smash bros on it with my friends. I like playstation 1 but to much time was wasted wondering if the logo screen would go away so my game would start or not.
  2. Happy birthday man!
  3. EDIT** Sorry Candy. Just had to!
  4. thats prety funny. Another version i've come across.
  5. I've had this song stuck in my head all day. Warning!!! Catchy as fuck!
  6. 400$ doesn't go far with a pc at all. especially a laptop. link thats probably as good as its going to get for a laptop. pc you may want to look into building your own and looking for used parts on craigslist.
  7. Lee sin is that you?
  8. Am I the only one thats glad that the whole Nu Metal, punk, thing... in the 90's didn't last very long?
  9. Nice man! Keep em coming. 10/10 would watch again.
  10. Im not totally convinced that looking retarted is worth having burger guts spilled out. Maybe it is.... Idk.
  11. step 1: become firefighter step 2: defeat fire step 3: ??? step 4: profit! Seriously though congrats man! Glad to hear everything went well.
  12. i missed this thread somehow. Well heres mine i guess. (Edit) i thought blitz breaking my monitor was appropriate selection due to certain circumstances.
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