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Marchese 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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About Marchese 1st MRB

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Toronto, Ontario
  • Interests
    Video Games, Guns, Survivalist, Hunting
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  • Weapon of Choice
    Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR)

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  1. I have Avast and it has been pretty reliable up to now. Don't know why it did not detect any threats for the file.
  2. Hello all. I knows it's been a while but I am quite aware of the situation and will confirm. Apparently someone from my friends list had this virus and like a dope I fell for it and I am sorry for any problems this might of caused. I have changed my password to my steam account and am running antivirus I would advise you do the same. I did run antivirus on the file before opening it and it revealed no malware so that why I launched the fake jpeg. Ya think I would know better being in IT but guess I had a brain fart.
  3. Yeah make way for the old man. Damn kids get off my lawn
  4. *Salute*
  5. Ah Lindsey Stirling she is made of awesome. I've seen her live and she's just as awesome if not more so. You should check out her covers you'd be more blown away.
  6. Oh I see sorry link wasn't working at first. Man yeah I guess someone with serious money to burn. Geez dude that's a lot of Warhammer in one shot
  7. Trying to gauge the question. Tabletop gaming like Warhammer and D&D are still going on and is doing very well. Myself I play D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, Cyberpunk 2020
  8. The game comes out tonight midnight. I'm going to make a Lets Play of it so you can see how this game is going to scare the shit out of me lol.
  9. Yikes talk about meta man
  10. Damnit I gotta wait til 2014 for the PC version.
  11. Behold the power of editing and camera tricks. The can defy physics.
  12. Finish Him!!! PS4 WINS Fatality
  13. Happy Birthday man
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