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Marchese 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marchese 1st MRB

  1. Well I guess karma is a bitch. They hike up leaf ticket prices for the playoffs almost doubling them and gouging the fans for more money. Then karma comes back around and bites them in the ass. LOL
  2. Naw, Montreal got spanked hard. Then they wanted to fight, then got their asses handed to them lol 1-6 final score (Ottawa won) Spankings all around
  3. Yep the leafs got spanked hard. *Shakes Head* Ah well good for Boston. GG Boston
  4. 42,074 8/10 on college +
  5. WTF man. You play more of a butcher than a surgion in this game and he has sloppy hands
  6. Cute, but they need to be careful not the split the atoms.
  7. I gotta stop coming to the Politics threads all they serve to do is piss me off, make me more anxious and depress me.
  8. Hey as long you don't try to convert others or push your religion I'd say believe what you want to.
  9. God this game looks so good but damn it Rockstar release a fucking PC version and do it properly unlike that shitty port of GTA 4. Fucking game still runs like a pile of bricks even after all the patches.
  10. This week on What the FUCK is wrong with you?!
  11. You're right let get off this argument for now and stick with what we know about the bombing. Just the facts
  12. The point I was trying to make is if people are willing to give up more and more of their rights and just roll over then what's the point of having them in the first place. The rights entailed on the American Constitution and Bill of Rights are meaningless if people don't stand up for them and use them. Now you have a point about the government not really having a interest in me, hell I Canadian for goodness sake. Yes this really doesn't affect me all the way over here but I'm not that self centered not to be concerned about what happening to other people and I'm not naive enough to think that this couldn't possibly happen to me. I value rights and privacy and wouldn't want some guy with a badge just barging into my home and snoop around with or without my consent. Yes it is true that you must give up some freedoms to live among other people but not all freedoms need be given up. Why must a simple list of rights that a country was founded on be cut down or ignored because it keeps us safe from the bad people. There have always been bad people out there. People need to show some damn courage and not succumb to fear but face it. T take the risks that having rights and freedoms entails. Remember having freedom and liberty always comes a cost.
  13. +1000 The people in charge used reasonable means to stop a murderer who was a public threat. You know what just take the American Constitution and Bill of Rights and either burn them, throw them away or put a big black X on them as these rights are pretty much meaningless anyways. When rights can be just ignored or taken away then what's the point. All they do is get in the way of government/authorities to "protect" you and make you feel "safe" from the bad people. When I see stuff like Amendments/Rights being infringed and bills being passed like the NDAA and the Patriot act and everyone goes with it cause it makes them "safier" you know what you deserve what you get. PS Give me Liberty, or give me Death
  14. +1 Absolutely we should not look for someone to blame right now. We should be reflecting on what happened and helping the victims. Let's wait for the facts OK.
  15. Here is an interesting article take from it what you will. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-22214511 Still gonna wait for more facts before coming to any conclusions.
  16. They are heavily armed pointing automatic weapons at you and wearing riot gear. The sheer ignorance that you wouldn't even question why these guys would have pre-made explosives of the same type from the bombings on there persons already would be enough for me to wanna suck start my Glock. You'll defend my rights? Really? How? I've already done a rodeo with the Marine Corps, what have you done so significant in defending rights that you feel the need to patronize me about it sir? Sorry Richards I didn't mean to sound like I was patronizing you. I have nothing but respect for ya man and I'm sorry. You're right man I've done exactly jack and shit to protect your rights and I'm part of the problem of people not standing up for their rights. You have done more than anything I've ever done and probably more. It just kills me that the rights that so many people had died and fought for can be so easily taken away and no one says anything about it, they just go along with it like sheep. Like many I have been pacified into not acting but I truly believe that we should have the right to disagree and freely discuss our opinions. To live where freedom and rights are more important than safety. Guess I'm naive that way. Also I did not know that the explosives they used against the cops was made of the same stuff as the bombing. That is a solid piece of evidence I was waiting on that strengthens the probability that these are the bombers. Still gonna wait on what happens next before drawing any conclusions.
  17. See told ya they find them. Also you're comparing apple to oranges with the old lady scenario. You're seeing the evidence first hand in the old lady scenario and so far all our information on the Boston bombing has been from either the media or the authorities who claim they have evidence but have not revealed what kind of evidence so we're just supposed to take their word for it. I just need something more solid than just claiming "we have evidence" as it's just too ambiguous for me. I don't want jump to conclusions right now and see what plays out. Remember innocent until proven guilty
  18. True to the individual but this is not about the individual, it's bigger than that. Also I guess all the people who fought and died to protect people's rights and freedoms died for nothing. All I'm looking for is people to show some courage, to take the risks that having rights and freedom entails and not to succumb to fear. Maybe you just don't see this point of view as intelligent or I lack some type of logic and that's fine you can disagree with me if you want. I would defend your right to disagree with me to the death because I truly believe you have the right to disagree with me as I have the right to disagree with you. I guess I'm the kind of guy where when the anti theft goes off at the store I don't let the security guards search me or if they ask for the receipt at the door I don't let them see it. You're gonna treat me or assume I'm a criminal even though I haven't stolen anything and the items you want to search are my property as I paid for them. It's bad enough you're invading my privacy by having cameras above the registers looking into my wallet when I paid for the damn items. You wanna do something about it call the cops and you can waste their time. They are heavily armed pointing automatic weapons at you and wearing riot gear. I'm not saying they are scapegoats. I'm just saying ask questions and don't just automatically believe everything you hear. He very well may be behind the attack but I not going to assume just yet. Remember not everything is as it seems. To the note of me being insensitive I truly am sorry for the people who lost their lives and those who were injured. Loss of life is always a tragedy big or small. I am sorry for the people who were injured and will be or maybe crippled from this attack. I'm just saying don't let the people in power use the emotions of this event to manipulate everyone so they can do what they want. I want the person(s) that are responsible found and brought to justice but it needs to be done in the right way. The guys faces are pasted all over the news. The whole country are already on the lookout for the suspects so they will be found.
  19. Yeah, if it was me in his shoes right now and they weren't searching house to house without consent, I would totally hide in your house and put a gun to your head and tell you that if you consent to a search I'll kill you and your family. Which is probably why their searching every house without consent, because a population's safety is more important than one individuals claim of rights, unless of course you disagree and prefer your rights over others potential lives. Just a Protip from someone who has actually done searches for high value targets before. Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety We need to have the courage to stand up for our rights even if there may be risk to ourselves and the people. So many have died for people to have these rights and we just throw it away at the first sign of trouble (guess the Joker was right huh). Isn't our rights as a people worth fighting or even dying for, or do we become a police state and bow to a master.
  20. 1. Your stance on privacy would change dramatically if it was your son/daughter/wife/parent/friend who was killed in the bombings. 2. People are innocent until proven guilty, but if that individual is shooting at officers instead of cooperating then that individual is definitely going to get a cap in his ass. To rebuttal if it were my kid or loved one I would want to make damn sure the person did the crime and then I'd kill them and I go to jail. Your argument is I'd be thinking emotionally if this affected be personally which is most likely true, but we can't think that way. Making decision while emotionally distraught clouds our judgement and we lose perspective, it's called mob mentality and many innocent people have been killed to that mentality. There are ways to find the people responsible without stamping all over people's rights which should be protected. Now for the suspects that attacked the authorities. Were they provoked by the cops? Were they just defending themselves? The idea is to question everything and not just take the word of what people tell you and not ask for evidence. This has become a witch hunt and that may be one of the reasons the other suspect has not given himself up to fear of prosecution whether he's innocent or not.
  21. I've looked at the news they have the two suspects which no real evidence to the fact has been revealed aside that they happened to be there and they way it's going these guys are already guilty of the crime and now one was killed. I guess innocent until proven guilty is redundant here. Boston is now pretty much under martial law and officials are going house to house searching, which if it were me I wouldn't let them search my house without a search warrant as they are invading my privacy and my home. They are infringing on Americans 3rd and 4th Amendment rights. Listen I know this was a deplorable act and the people responsible should be sought out but not at the cost of people's rights. The people in charge are yet again using fear and panic to justify what they are doing and the American people have to stop falling for that.
  22. Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the mindfuck
  23. Paranoid 34% Schizoid 14% Schizotypal 54% Antisocial 34% Borderline 82% Histrionic 26% Narcissistic 22% Avoidant 54% Dependent 54% Obsessive-Compulsive 42%
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