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Marchese 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marchese 1st MRB

  1. Me: I can't believe he was bit by the zombies Other Guy: It wasn't a zombie it was a raccoon Me: *Cocks Shotgun* *Blam*
  2. *Facepalm* What the fuck is wrong with you? What did you think was gonna happen but I at the very least I'll give him the it was creative. Oh and BTW "I kow ma wights!!!! lol
  3. Ok after all the info it sounds like it the power supply may be failing but it is also possible that the hard drives (specifically the hard drive motors) could also be failing. Also to touch on Fords comment it is a good idea to backup your data just in case. The only way to know for sure is to locate the source of the sound.
  4. Well from a scientific perspective low frequency sounds makes the brain sleepy while high frequency sounds wake the brain up. So a constant low frequency hum can lull you to sleep. The fact this sound is from Star Trek TNG is a bonus lol
  5. Thank goodness I live in Canada lol. All kidding aside I really like Jesse Ventura
  6. Be sure to check all the connections are secure. Now for the sound coming from the machine is it coming from the actual power supply cause if it is then the power supply fan may be going and the power supply may be overheating. The other possibility may be the connecting wires are faulty (e.g. the ATX Connector, CPU power connector). With faulty wires the system may be not be getting enough power which would explain the flickering. Now seeing that you could turn off the power supply with the power button tells me that the MOBO is definitely communicating with the psu. I would highly advise caution as power supply issues can damage your components. Also are you getting post error codes (the beeps when you turn on the system). One quick beep means all is well but anything else please explain the pattern.
  7. 2 words. FUCK YEAH. I am totally seeing this on opening weekend
  8. James Rolfe aka The Angry Video Game Nerd. He makes good videos and I always check out his AVGN videos on his site cinemassacre.com. He was the one who got me watching channel awesome
  9. Egoraptor animation and comedy has always been awesome.
  10. Now we face the questions like what Star Trek TNG came up with Data. Do Robots Feel? Do they have a soul? Are they really sentient? Should they have the same rights as Humans? Are they a threat to humanity? Hard Questions People
  11. Yes they announced at e3 that they will be on the same servers so your actions in the EVE game will affect Dust
  12. My real fear is it becoming sentient.
  13. Just ordered the finial parts from newegg.ca for my custom build PC. Here is the finial specs Intel Core I7 2600K @ 4.7 GHz Asus P8Z68 Deluxe 16GB DDR3 G Skill Ripjaws @1600Mhz x2 500GB Western Digital HDD in Raid 0 1TB Western Digital HDD Optical DVD Drive w Lightscribe Antec 900 Gaming Case D-Link DWA 552 Wireless N Adapter Antec Kuhler 920 OCZ ZX Series 1000W PSU EVGA Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 4GB DDR5 Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
  14. Ah yes I've seen this when they launched the trailer at e3 2011. Maybe a good excuse to take up the controller again
  15. This game is looking better and better. This is a great way to implement a multiplayer aspect to the game and keep it fresh at the same time.
  16. It's all good man glad to see someone as excited as I m. Been playing the sniper challenge and it's pretty awesome
  17. Trying to seal my thunder click lol I was the one who posted the original
  18. OMFG I laughed so hard at that vid Grant
  19. What makes a game transcend its age is how fun the gameplay is. Also I'd be lying if I said I didn't pop in games once in a while like: Super Mario Bros Super Mario Bros 3 007 Goldeneye Metal Gear Solid Twisted Metal 2
  20. Happy Birthday Sir
  21. My original user name on Steam was snakestealth24 and that is my handle for everywhere else. So that alone should indicate that I'm a big Metal Gear Solid fan (which I am by the way). I'm going to Fan Expo in Toronto, Canada and this guest was just announced http://www.fanexpocanada.com/fan-expo-news...ter-just-added/ I am having a complete fanboy moment right now
  22. Ahhh what a bright race we are lol
  23. Maybe he's deciding not to use his powers and trying to embrace the human condition. Maybe something happened that made him swear off his powers
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