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Marchese 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marchese 1st MRB

  1. Fuck yes I love Amnesia. IMO it's one of the best horror games out there.
  2. You might want to add about 100 watts to your power supply so in the future if you want to get a second/more powerful video card or other expansion then you can.
  3. I'm hyped
  4. For that kind of budget you can get a really good gaming rig. Here's maybe a few suggestions CPU: Core i7 2600K or better RAM: 8GB DDR3 (can play around with what particular speed you want) Motherboard: LGA 1155 board. Motherboards come in all types of flavours but personally I prefer Asus P8Z68 boards Hard Drives: Solid State drive or 2 regular 500GB in raid and 1tb in storage Power Supply: 850 Watt or better should give your board plenty of power and room for expansions Video Card: GeForce GTX 560ti or better Monitor: 22" full HD LCD Mouse/Keyboard: Razor
  5. Name: Randy Marchese Rank: Corporal Type of issue: Software (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Brief Description of Issue: It seems the password for me to get into the 1st MRB server is somehow just gone and now I can't get into the server. On top of that I never wrote the password down like an idiot. So if I could get some help I would appreciate it. Plus as we are talking about something sensitive like passwords you can message me in steam ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  6. About 30 seconds I think I had a small stroke. At the minute mark it felt like I was hemorrhaging from my eyes and ears. At 1:15 reality was starting to come apart for me. Finially at 1:30 I stopped it cause my sanity was seriously in question.
  7. Awesome now they need to make so the player can choose how many points go into strength, dexterity, vitality and intelligence. Also bring back the damn paladin and get us a healing class.
  8. So has the name of our clan been decided
  9. You are a lucky guy Mellot. God I wish I could have that M1 Carbine & Garand
  10. Will do when the damn game finally downloads
  11. snakestealth#1356
  12. Brothers and sisters in arms buddy.
  13. At first I couldn't either you really have to listen close
  14. I think even I shit myself just watching this. BTW is it usual that a cameraman just stands there filming
  15. I'm a big fan of Channel Awesome and thatguywiththeglasses.com. Here is something from some of the guys on the site that I just find awesome and hilarious. "What's a ninja? Just a fairy tale, they don't exist." http://www.darkmaze.com/ninjathemissionforce/
  16. Time for me in the last 2 hours seems to going in slow motion every second feels like 2 or more
  17. I got all 3 myself good games
  18. I'm Randy Marchese, I'm 24 and I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I'm a PC hardware technician but with interests in videography. I'm a big gamer not only in video games but tabletop as well, mainly D&D but pathfinder soon.
  19. If you guys ever wondered where the symbol on my tag was from. Here's 2 trailers from the new game in the series http://www.youtube.com/embed/AvqivQhvdqc https://www.youtube.com/embed/Wu1Aii7scBo
  20. I think it's a bit of both. Apple failed by not putting bars on the windows or locks on the products and the thieves win by seeing this weakness and exploiting it with good planning.
  21. See people organization, planning and practices work. Don't be a dumb criminal, be professional. A message on how to be a better criminal from PFC Randy Marchese
  22. You're welcome happy gaming hope to hear from on the servers
  23. 4th edition and essentials actually. Curious about next edition coming out as well
  24. After working with Roussel I found that the mic itself was turned on, turned up and not muted. Tested headset on other PC and headset is working. On windows sound the headset is the default playback device and is not muted. Checked Realtek Audio Control and found headset with what appeared to be nothing muted. Standard procedure of unplugging and plugging and turning the system off and on to no avail. Possible problems may be software conflict or driver corruption
  25. Here another pic that hints at one of my interests *cough*D&D*Cough*
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