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Marchese 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marchese 1st MRB

  1. I think we should totally do a 1st MRB cover of the Misty Mountain Cold.
  2. It's still a bit of a learning process for me with game footage, but yes I did notice that in the video and tried to minimize it. It's a thing I will remember next time though and I appreciate the constructive criticism.
  3. The next video I have in mind will require the private server and some "actors" The video will mainly revolve around two pieces of music. The start will have dialogue where one of you will be the leader talking to your squad. Leader: Ok boys the krauts are dug in pretty deep up ahead. Enemy strength is unknown thanks to their AAs but this a important location so expect heavy resistance. Leader: *Pauses* *Sighs* OK boys lets move out. Stay in formation and keep your eyes peeled The squad comes to a choke point where a enemy MG is waiting in ambush position. The squad is wiped out expect for the leader who kills the MG. Afterwards the leader looks at his dead squad in sorrow and solace. The music for this scene will be this: Afterwards the leader starts moving forward while talking cover and cut to the leader behind a sniper with a knife. The leader kills the sniper with the knife and a killing montage of the leader killing all the germans. All during this scene this song is playing This is just the basic idea right now
  4. Just signed up. Hopefully when they look at my system specs it will make me stand out
  5. The idea of allowing citizens to own private property is not a dangerous one, and to call opposition to gun control dangerous is to insult the majority of America's gun owners. If you look at the effectiveness of the last AWB, as well as analyzing crime statistics over a period in time in the US, you will see that the last AWB accomplished nothing and that there is generally accepted to be no direct correlation to gun ownership and gun crime, though murder rates dropped quite noticeably between 1989-1999, the period in time when most US States adopted CCW laws, with Illinois now being the only one without any at all, and that's soon to change, and 4 States; Alaska, Arizona, Vermont, and Wyoming; not requiring any license at all to carry a handgun. Those who drive drunk know very well the consequences of such an action, they know it can be lethal. And you misinterpret the 2nd Again, tyranny was not only foreseen by the British, the founding fathers were worried about future tyranny from their own government, from the American government. The 2nd was not just to fight against the invading British, it was to ensure the American government never became the British, because the citizens would be able to fight the government if it tried. In accordance with the principles of the 2nd, it is still relevant today, because while the government may still be fair today, who's to say what the government will be like in 30 years? 50 years? Virginia Tech, the most lethal school shooting in the US, was committed by a man armed with only 2 pistols, each with only 10-round mags, the shooter simply chained the doors shut and brought a lot of magazines. The Cumbria Shootings in England were committed by a man with a double-barrelled shotgun, and he killed 13 people. The École Polytechnique shooting was committed by someone who broke his Ruger Mini-14 so that it was basically a straight-pull bolt-action, and he killed 15. And as for Newtown, I've heard from NBC that no AR-15 was used in Newtown, it was also only handguns, the AR-15 was in the car the whole time. Adam Lanza was also denied the ability to buy a gun, he stole them from his mother. The looks of a gun also mean absolutely nothing in terms of its function. Why target a gun based on looks? What will that accomplish? So they ban "evil, scary guns" like this one but guns like this are not "assault weapons"? You know what the difference is between those two guns? Nothing. Banning a gun based off of aesthetic features is absolutely ridiculous, because it accomplishes absolutely nothing. It will not stop mass shootings, both the North Hollywood Shootout and Columbine happened during the last AWB, it failed to stop either. Canada's restrictive gun laws failed to stop shootings just last year in Scarborough, Downtown Toronto, and Edmonton. Britain's gun laws failed to stop the 2010 Cumbria Shootings. Gun laws in both France and Germany have failed to stop mass shootings. Gun laws fail to stop these because they do not address the core issue, and the core issue of mass shootings is mental illness. Moreover, as I already mentioned, mass shootings account for less than 1% of America's national murders, rifles and shotguns account for about 3% of all national gun murders combined, America's true problem with gun violence is the 97% of murders committed with a handgun, which is largely gangsters in inner-city ghettos. To address the real issue, one must address the causes of murder, not the tool. For one, the criminals who cause the majority of the murders already ignore all firearms law, they actually love gun control, it disarms their targets. Why then, if they already blatantly ignore all current laws, would one more suddenly make a criminal change their mind? Criminals will always have guns, regardless of whether or not the law-abiding do, all you accomplish by disarming the law-abiding is giving the criminals easier targets. Secondly, even if by some miracle you managed to do the literally impossible and take all the 300 million guns out of America, these gangsters would still kill each other, they'd simply resort to stabbing each other. Knife crime in Britain skyrocketed following the gun bans there, and it's actually the most violent place is Europe, more violent than the US or South Africa. They banned guns, and it didn't stopped violent crime, murder, or mass-shootings. It's also interesting to note that at this time America's homicide rate and violent crime rate is at the lowest point it's been since the 1960s, and that is despite the fact that there are more guns in America, approximately 300 million, than ever before. As well, with the exception of the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords, every mass shooting in the last 30 years has been committed in a gun-free zone. Virginia Tech? Columbine? The Aurora Theatre (and by the way, there was a theatre closer to his house and a theatre with a larger auditorium he could have shot up, he chose the one he did because it advertised nobody inside would be armed)? Sandy Hook? École Polytechnique? All gun-free zones, meaning nobody in the building could possibly stop the shooter, they wouldn't have the means to. The Oregon Mall Shooting? It ended after a CCW holder drew his gun. He actually wasn't supposed to be carrying in that mall, it was supposed to be a gun-free zone. He didn't shoot, because of bystanders behind the shooter, but the shooter saw the permit holder, and the next shot he got off after un-jamming his gun was to kill himself, because he knew he was done. These killers chose these places because they knew they wouldn't have resistance, because they knew they would have easy, vulnerable targets. You do not need to ban guns to reduce violent crime, murder, or mass shootings in the US. While I do believe that America could do with some slightly stronger gun control in the form of better screening, perhaps even a license covering the acquisition of a gun, and only the acquisition, I do not believe that the word "banned" needs to be used at all in relation to functional gun control. In the Czech Republic there is technically no such thing as a banned gun, legally you can get any gun you please, even automatics if you can justify to the police why, and yet it has a murder rate comparable to Canada's, but like I said previously, the US is unlike any other nation and it's not entirely fair to compare its situation to the situation of any other nation. I do think, however, that every nation around the world could learn some things about effective gun control by looking at certain parts of the gun control in the Czech Republic. No gun needs to be banned, not even automatics; which have since 1934 only ever been used in 2 shootings, one by a cop; in order to have effective gun control, all you need is varying levels of restriction, but no gun should ever be or need to be entirely inaccessible to a law-abiding citizen who wishes to acquire such a firearm. +1 Also would like to add that many people have died to allow us to have these rights be it having access to guns or having free speech etc. and we need to show the courage to defend these rights or we throw away all the sacrifices that those people made for us.
  6. From the company that brought us The Witcher and The Witcher 2. Their newest project Cyberpunk 2077
  7. You know there is an old quote "People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both" Americans for over 10 years has been slowly losing their freedoms (the TSA for example) in the name of security. Out of that has come the Patriot Act, the NDAA and Homeland Security which are entities that can circumvent your rights in the name of National Security. Security is a fallacy in of itself, if someone wants to commit an act bad enough they will find a way no matter how many laws you implemented. How many rights are you willing to give up before you say enough. Also this assault weapon argument is stupid as these guns are semi-automatic and they just look like military weapons but do not have automatic fire. They fire .223 calibre but so do many other guns and many of these other guns have low recoil as well, so this is just cherry picking. I'm not against better background checks or having mandatory training in the proper use of firearms but banning these weapons is something I am totally against. Also Peaker I am Canadian as well and I support Americans for having the right to any gun and yes I will admit Canadian gun laws have worked for us but the U.S.A. is not Canada/UK/Japan they are different and what worked for us may not work for them as they are unique as is any country. Just look at Mexico they have strict laws and their gun crime is out of control.
  8. Good Points Magoo I like it +1
  9. Got say Parker you are a hell of an editor. Great choice of music and slow mo was well done.
  10. What you have to look at is why the Second Amendment was made. It wasn't just made for hunters or protection from criminals but was made because America's founders saw that people needed to protect themselves from their protectors. This doesn't just mean governments but other people of authority who can abuse their power. Also if laws are passed it only really affects legal gun owners but illegal owners (e.g. criminals) can still get them. Now I'm not trying to be insensitive to the tragedy in Newtown but what happen in my view was the perfect storm of a series of specific events that led to the tragedy which the gun was only part of. If the guy didn't have a gun he could easily used a car (which CNN likes to dismiss but if you think about it a car is a 2 ton projectile traveling at speeds breaking 60 MPH) or a bomb. To try and pass these kind of laws now in a time of great tension with the US recession will backfire greatly. That my two cents from your friendly Canuck Marchese.
  11. Hey Tate Happy Birthday bud.
  12. God this made me crack up lol
  13. Thanks guys
  14. Enjoy it Parker. Merry Christmas
  15. Merry Christmas all
  16. Such a senseless tragedy. Those poor kids. My condolences to their families
  17. It's a toss up for me. Either a M11911A1 Supressed Or AR15 Surpressed with forgrip, Acog Scope and Adjustable Stock Though would prefer both
  18. I'd probably be a Lesbian but the girly girl. Like to be a redhead also.
  19. It's been a long time 47. Lets get to work on these assholes.
  20. What the fuck did you think was going to happen. Also WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!
  21. Thank you to all Veterans. Your sacrifice and courage honors us all. With all respect. *Salute*
  22. It's still in early development so they haven't given too many details here is the synopsis. Among The Sleep invites you into the mind and body of a two year old child. After being put to bed one evening, mysterious things start to happen. Being played in first person, the game let its players immerse themselves in a child's limitless imagination. This is a perspective we all have a distant familiarity with, but few can clearly remember what it felt like. In the borderland between dream and reality, surreal creatures and diverse environments will present you with both physical and mental obstacles that challenge your creativity.
  23. The game is a survival horror. The concept is that you play a 2 year old and when you are put to sleep strange things happen during the night
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