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Marchese 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Marchese 1st MRB

  1. Trust me if I was mad you know it. That's my normal face lol I got that I'm pissed off look
  2. Everybody gets one. LOL
  3. It's most likely a software issue
  4. I see well for saving on the peripherals. For the monitor you have to ask what do you want? Full HD 1080P, even higher or less. The higher the resolution you're monitor can go the better games will look but will also be dependant on how much your video card can produce 60Hz, 120Hz, 240Hz? This affects how high the fps can be when V-Sync is on (60fps, 120fps, 240fps) since some games are prone to screen tears and the frequency will also reduce the amount of tears even if V-Sync is off What size 17" 19" 20" 22"+ If you want to save go LCD not LED Now for the mouse go for a Razor. Razor mice are made for gamers by gamers they are very precise and quick to respond and will be an asset to your KD ratio Now for the keyboard I say go for something ergonomic. Gaming keyboards are well and good but many do not come with wrist support and I have found that without it my wrist is killing me after a few hours of play Send us some links of some of products you are thinking of
  5. I have to agree with Rather building allows you to save money and get a lot more bang for your buck. If you know how to build then I would suggest doing so. System specs will help with painting a better picture so we can give you better advice
  6. I have the same issue as well any software or steam staff please advise
  7. It's a good build you got there and at a good price. Yeah see how you feel about the video card and RAM to see if it's enough for you. For RAM you probably won't need more unless you editing HD video which then I suggest 16 at least
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