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Forum Pupil

Forum Pupil (12/91)



  1. That's pretty amazing man. Grad school is rough, but I have no doubt you'll handle it and come out more than successful. Congrats!
  2. Mamora, that should be all the reason you need to get this game
  3. Harding - 30% superhero, 40% tired, 10% adrenaline, and 20% swag and 100% badass Ultra-Man Good on you, brother
  4. Yes. God yes.
  5. Lyons

    Game of Thrones

    Relevant http://gawker.com/5902076/snl-explains-the...game-of-thrones
  6. Lyons

    Game of Thrones

    Entertaining, yes. But the incessant porn music playing over the critique is confusing me. Is she making an observation about the over-the-top sexual nature of the show, reflecting how HBO takes a ham-handed approach to sexuality in their programming; or alternately, does she just have shitty taste in ambient music? Can't tell if brilliant or in bad taste...
  7. Lyons

    Quote Thread

    You think this is a fucking game? Teletubbies are the shit
  8. 'Infect' being the operative word here....
  9. Get. The. Fuck. Out. I dont want to live on this planet anymore
  10. Also, he sparkles
  11. I only half failed. The point stands
  12. Guys, we need to be utilizing the metric-brown system. Kilobrown - Msgt Brown Hectobrown - Pvt Brown Brown - Rec Brown Decibrown - Future Brown Centibrown - Other future Brown It's truly the most efficient way
  13. I love how this has quickly turned into a Pokemon card fanclub thread, rather than Quarterman's "Will I die if I eat expired lobster-meat".
  14. Mew aint shit, Maines.
  15. Lyons

    Quote Thread

    Like, the circle thing that Po has, but with the Kar-98 Sniper crosshairs in the center
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