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Holland 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Holland 1st MRB last won the day on July 3 2017

Holland 1st MRB had the most liked content!

About Holland 1st MRB

  • Birthday 09/09/1990

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  • Weapon of Choice
    M1 Carbine

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Holland 1st MRB's Achievements

Forum Nazi

Forum Nazi (62/91)



  1. Hey sorry to bother you but this is a bit important. I work Monday thru Friday(Sometimes on Saturdays) usually from 1 pm to 5 pm pst. So before i got into any platoon business i would like to request being moved to Baker because i would hate for my job to interfere with unit activities


    Also i noticed you tried to schedule me for a BCT tomorrow. May i have the time ?

    1. Holland 1st MRB

      Holland 1st MRB

      The time for the BCT you are scheduled for was provided in the pending letter of your enlistment. You can check that here.


      As for platoon business, we will handle that after you have completed BCT. Until then, you are not placed on a platoon.

    2. Reyes2


      oh 7 pm my time, Well we have dinner around 7 so i'll try to be there.

  2. The recruitment contest has drawn to a close! Congratulations to the winners, and well done! Due to the tie for 2nd and 3rd place, both participants will be receiving a prize of $25. 1st Place; Pvt. Paul - 4 recruits - $50 2nd Place; Pfc. Holquist, SSgt. Boone - 2 Recruits (each) - $25 3rd Place; NIL Thank you to all who participated, and good work to everyone!
  4. Good day, Upon review, I have determined the provided evidence to be inconclusive of wallhacking. You have been unbanned. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and invite you to continue playing in our server. Ensure you continue to follow the rules of the server, and happy fraggin' 1stLt. N. Holland
  5. Ban overturned.
  6. Didn't notice it was a game until I read this post. Just wasted 45 minutes. 10/10 better than any game I've got on my phone. Google should go into game development...
  7. Oh my lord, it's Dillon. Too bad you're back here buddy.
  8. Sure thing hokist
  9. Happy Birthday! Go slay some sweet, sweet young pussy my friend.
  10. Don't need to be 300 yds to identify a ship. They would have known exactly what it was well before it came over the horizon into visual range. Can equate this to sabre rattling. Or they just wanted to say hi. Russia does the same thing regularly with fighter jets when sailing through in the Baltic or the Arctic.
  11. Thank you all. Hopefully will be back to more regular activity soon.
  12. This bundle mentions as being redeemable on UPlay, not Steam. Doesn't sound like you get a Steam code from it.
  13. These are fantastic. I'm enjoying your occasional joke post. Well done.
  14. Switching from IPv4 to IPv6 is inevitable, though I question whether we are actually getting close to the 4.3 billion cap that is IPv4. We've been hearing about "the end of IPv4" for years now. Note this is 4.3 billion public addresses. Public IP addresses do not identify computers, they identify networks (The outside port of a "gateway" router for a network, to be precise). These networks can range from 1 to hundreds of computers, each sharing this public IP address to access the internet. With the introduction of public/private addressing, classing, and subnets we aren't using anywhere close to 1 public IP address per system. A single address could encompass hundreds or thousands of systems.
  15. Woo Canada Eh! *cough* Day. I mean Day.
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