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Holland 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Holland 1st MRB

  1. Banned permanently due to 6 previous bans as a result of team killing.
  2. This individual has been banned twice for the same issue, once for an hour and again for four hours. Banned for 1 week as a result.
  3. Hello Auger, As this is the first time you have had an issue on the server, I have reduced your ban to one day from now. Disallowed spray content includes; Any nudity showing genitalia, both male or female Racism, sexism, or "shock" pictures Bashing or disrespecting organizations or individuals pertaining to the game (ie. someone in the server) Politically charged images Any other content a server admin judges to be inappropriate or disruptive towards a neutral environment in our servers (within reason) A good rule-of-thumb; If you have to question whether an image is appropriate in our server, it probably isn't. In the future, if you witness a spray that you think is in offense to these guidelines, notify an admin. Do not spray over it, as when the admin investigates to see who sprayed the image, it may pick up your name instead of the intended individual. I hope there will be no further issues regarding sprays, next time will not be so lenient. Happy Fraggin'
  4. Banned permanently as per racist comments made in chat and blatant disrespect.
  5. Happy Birthday!
  6. He was banned for 1 day approx. an hour after posting this request. Extending the ban to 1 week.
  7. The food, oh the food. And the pie.
  8. Also include STEAM_0:1:23201492 and STEAM_0:1:82851280 The hackers in question appeared to be changing their Steam ID's on the fly, some of which were already present on our ban lists when attempting to add them.
  9. This individual has been permanently banned due to the number of bans acquired for the same reason.
  10. Please take a look at this topic. If there is absolutely no proof (it doesn't matter what rank you are), we can't ban them on those terms.
  11. Eh fucktard! Thank you all.
  12. Confirmed. If this individual wants to repeal their ban due to not hearing the warning or otherwise, they can post on the forums to do so. Make sure that when confronting this issue in the pub, communicate through both voice and text, as some individuals play without sound.
  13. ... I think you did it again.
  14. Flawless story telling, and an impressive trick.
  15. Looks good! Well deserved as well!
  16. He has already been banned by WO. Griswold. (STRIKERZ) Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
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