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Holland 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Holland 1st MRB

  1. I'm with Maines on this one. (0.o)
  2. I personally find that tablet PC's in general are a waste. For some, I suppose they could be useful. For most, I find that they are inadequate for almost everything other than on-the-spot information sharing. The IPad itself is ridiculously over priced. Compare the specs of an IPad with that of the less expensive tablet computers, and you will find that you are getting the same thing for much less money if you buy from Apple's competitors.
  3. Happy birthday, again. Have a good one!
  4. Happy birthday Gooderham. Have a good one!
  5. Thank you all very much for the welcomes.
  6. The first thing you might want to look into is the task manager. After it crashed on start up, look to see if you have an instance of hl2.exe running. If you do, either end it manually and try again, or give it a full minute. If nothing happens after that, or if hl2.exe is not running at all, then move to my next suggestions. Secondly, double check the situation of all your drivers. This would include your graphics, sound, etc. If there are updates available, be sure to do so. Thirdly, be sure the game installation is aware of the new OS. If the game was configured towards your previous OS, and you copy and pasted all the files over, it may be attempting to utilize non-existing commands and/or resources. As far as I know, this can be done by either 1) Re-installing steam (keeping the steamapps folder to be copy/pasted) OR 2) deleting the clientregistry.blob file in the main steam directory OR 3) delete everything in the steam folder *except for steamapps*, then restart steam to download new files. *NOTE be sure that STEAM is NOT running if you plan on trying any of the suggestions in the second section. Fourthly, go into your steamapps/username folder, and delete the Day of Defeat folder. This will result in you having to download the main content of the game through steam again. Many people experiencing this exact problem claim that this has fixed it completely. Be sure steam is closed, and/or you restart it after deleting. This shouldn't be too major, as the DOD folder is only roughly 600 MB. *NOTE delete only the folder. Leave the .gcf in the steamapps folder. ALSO BE SURE TO BACK UP YOUR FOLDER BEFORE DELETION!(or just move the Day of Defeat folder outside of the steam folder instead) For information purposes, this was supposedly caused by one of Valve's so-called "updates". After which many people have been complaining of this exact issue, with no fully confirmed fix as of yet. If all else fails, or you want to cut down on all the bullshit and potential waste of time/effort, skip directly to 2) on the second solution, and do the fourth solution. (doing them simultaneously) This *should* solve your issues. I will continue to look into this issue, and post back if I find anything new. Feel free to ask if you need further assistance. EDIT: seems I posted a bit late, but will keep this up in case others have a similar problem.
  7. Be prepared to clean the PC completely (software wise). If you do any kind of private information management (banking, and such), you will definitely want to wipe the thing down, to avoid the potential for problems down the line. Take the time and potential money involved with that into account. As well, you will want to make sure you are receiving exactly what you think you are. Obviously, private deals have no warranty. I have no outstanding knowledge on the hardware itself, so will not comment on that aspect. Good luck with the desktop hunting!
  8. *Salute*
  9. That may, or may not work. Personally, I avoided Vista completely. As far as I know, once he allows administrative privileges through the pop-up, it will apply to most if not all of the games related processes. Though as I stated, I have never used Vista, and so am not familiar with it's workings.
  10. Rather than simply telling you what is best for you, I believe it would be much more effective to let you come to your own decision based on others systems. In my situation, I purchased a cheap, basic desktop package and added onto it to fit my needs. This was roughly 2 years ago, and have yet to encounter a single problem. Furthermore, I find that I can *easily* run anything that I have attempted. (For a benchmark, I mean Crysis 2 on max settings, or Skyrim on ultra, etc) Here are my basic specs, including some extra information if you want to do some of your own research. OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium System Manufacturer: HP-Pavilion System Model: BK150AAR-ABA p6331p System Type: x64-based PC Processor: AMD Athlon™ II X4 630 Processor, 2800 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s) Installed Physical Memory (RAM): 8.00 GB Total Virtual Memory: 16.0 GB Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 In the end, my entire desktop package, including monitor, upgrades, etc. was just under $1000 CAD. I understand you aren't looking to purchase a new desktop package, though perhaps this will help you in your decision regardless. NOTE: Also look at my recent posts in the medical bay section regarding the "RAGE" topic. If you are looking to buy a new graphics card along with the processor and motherboard, I would research into reported problems and incompatibilities related to the AMD/ATI cards, which I believe is the problem in that case.
  11. Sounds good. I wish you luck on the desktop hunt. And am happy to help if more problems ensue, though here's hoping that it is solved.
  12. Firstly, check on the state of your drivers. Be sure they are up to date. Once you are sure your drivers are up to date, (depending on the your graphics card) search for the RAGE specific drivers. (You aren't the only one who has had this problem) Be sure you are downloading the correct driver for your graphics card. For example : http://support.amd.com/us/kbarticles/Pages...PerfDriver.aspx. Some have claimed that disabling the steam overlay ingame resolved the issue. (right click, properties, disable steam overlay ingame) EDIT: Seems that this is mostly an ATI graphics card issue, specifically related to their drivers. I have played through this game, and thought it was pretty good. Personally have never encountered all the problems others have complained about. No graphics issues what-so-ever. Though a fore-warning, that many others who have complained about your issues, once resolved, also were complaining about serious graphics bugs within the game. Likely a graphics driver incompatibility. Double check as to what graphics card you have; After that, do a little research. It could end up with you having to go out and buy a different card.
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