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  1. It was a single TK and it was intentional. Clearly not cool and I shouldn't of but he was afk with the mg and we were getting rolled over...
  2. Name: TnT Steam I.D:TnT Date & Time of ban: about a week ago Admin who banned you: not communicated Excuse for the Unban: banned for a single tk of an AFK, heard someone talk about it and BAM ban-hammer. 2nd time on this server its happened, 500 hrs of gameplay.... Alright then, harsh mods on 1st marines server. Generally have a pos k/d playing this server.
  3. Fair enough, and the message is received loud and clear. It would be nice in future to be told someone has a problem so I have a chance to change my behaviour, as opposed to one person chopping my head off in game and then dropping the hammer.
  4. Name: TnT Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:8590857 Well I just read Stone's reasons for my ban request, and he's got a valid point in that I greif? from time to time? I came on the server, on the map previous to where the perma ban took place, picked a class and and kicked from the server with a steam message telling me I'd been banned. When I jumped back on the server, I asked why I had been banned and not all that politely told I wasn't in fact banned and that I just had a connection dropped. I relayed I was only asking due to the msg i got. And even thanked him for clearing it up.... I know right before I was banned again (for good) I had fired a rocket from on top of the boxes in w/e map it is you come up from the beach. I killed no one, was told off for doing so, and I typed something along the lines of "how is it firing from spawn when I'm completely exposed to fire" One admin, Wu, told me "spawn is considered wherever the enemy cannot go" which came after much lesser informative responses from Stone. This was all during a game on that map where the axis were steam-rolling allies 9-0 on the map, most under a couple minutes. I being on the allies team, this particular instance when only the well flag remained for our team. Previous map was Jagd and I was also on the dominated axis teams side. Now, this flashinglighting business. Occurred days ago when again, I was on a side losing heavily and I got in the face of players who were sitting just out of spawn shooting at walls all game, or standing in a circle talking and not playing AT ALL. I rarely even use my flashlight and this was a ONE TIME incident. Everyone has their bad days and I recently have been more aggravated than I should be...I realize it's only a game. In future if I get frustrated with bad players using restricted weapons I'll ask them to stop occupying the slot and leave it at that. I've played for wayyy too many hours on this server (this being choice #1, 6th Pub #2, both accounting for 95% of my game time) I find it hard to believe I've caused many pub players to leave the server, when I've maybe encountered a COUPLE msg's from people who even respond to my occasional chrips...I don't even use a mic in game. I apologize for the majority of my TK's as they are all unintentional and the only times I don't, I'm too entrenched to lay off the trigger to type. I can lay off the chirps and whining easily enough, and I'm sorry it was construed this time in a manner that got me banned. Losing the ability to play on my favourite server is no fun. Surely a few incidents of me telling players off, jumping in front of idiots shooting at walls, and a shot from on top of spawn boxes doesn't completely overshadow over 300 hours of my life playing the game like it should be played and going hard for objectives. Cheers, Trevor, aka TnT
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