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Everything posted by Powell

  1. Powell


    Welcome to the unit!!
  2. unfortunetly demos dont work in our pub... Demo's on the pub should be fixed sometime this month!
  3. Alrighty guys I'm going to try to make this happen, hopefully I'll get some submissions! The Deadline For Submitting Demos: Jan. 15th How to Record in-game for those who might not know: 1.) Open up console in-game 2.) Type "record (insert demo name)" and press enter 3.) Stop recording a demo by simply typing "stop" in the console *Quotations are not needed in the console* If anyone has anymore questions feel free to ask me. Thanks all!
  4. That's okay as long as he leaves his sisters. :(
  5. So a bit ago I used to mess around with sony vegas pro and adobe after effects but haven't touched those programs in a while. I wanted to get back into it. I used to make videos for my school for sports teams and even made a TF2 Spy Guide a while back that has been around 5k views on YouTube (pretty solid for first video), and is randomly getting more views now. But getting back into it, I thought I might as well make a highlight video for the unit and anyone who wants to participate is welcome to. While I get all of my editing programs onto my new computer, if anyone wants to be in the video, start recording in-game! Either realism or pub, doesn't matter for the first video. Any good streaks, or shots, or anything you think is good enough to be in the video, feel free to send to GalaxyTF2@gmail.com This is just for fun, and I plan to be active making videos for fun now so if anyone has any cool ideas for a video let me know! Thanks everyone Edit: And of course members of BAR are welcome to participate too! Edit2: If anyone is interested, yet doesn't know how to record, feel free to ask me here or send me a PM on steam. A couple different options are available
  6. She was actually on my computer playing some games while she was home for Thanksgiving...you all missed your chance! Try again around Christmas
  7. You know as soon as I posted that picture I remembered the first time I posted here and immediately thought " Here we go again..."
  8. Been a while since I posted here! Here's me on homecoming! For those of you who don't know I'm only 18 and I'm a senior in high school still. Just having a casual conversation and finally myself and my two older sisters!
  9. Panthers have been my team for years, and this is the first time in a while that they've actually been really good! If they beat the saints this Sunday then they're on the road to the Super Bowl!!!
  10. I work at a retail store and had to work on Black Friday.....it's absolutely insane. And the thing is, our store didn't even have any sales, yet so many people come rushing in to buy clothes that are just lower price compared to other stores. Most of the retail stores that offer these "Black Friday Sales" are available multiple different times throughout the year so I don't see any point in going out Black Friday shopping
  11. Exactly what I was thinking, both episodes ended in a similar way. But what I was thinking about is that this is only the mid-season finale...if the season finale is going to be better then this episode then I'll be in shock.
  12. My ID: ZeePow Just got BF4 last week or so
  13. I need to start re-reading them too, my memory is a little foggy and who knows when the next book will be out
  14. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! Enjoy the day!
  15. Hmm it isn't working anymore, but this one should do it! http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/laptops/ideapad/y-series/y510p/ again the Lenovo website will give you a great deal, and for me it came within a week of ordering.
  16. I copied my post over from the other thread, because this was similar to my situation. I'm a senior in high school right now and was looking for a laptop for college that I could game with. I bought the Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p a few weeks ago and couldn't be happier. My post from the other thread: "If you're looking for another laptop, I suggest the Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p. I just bought this laptop a few weeks ago and it runs all of my old games perfectly, as well as BF4 on high/max settings very smoothly. It's $1,100 at first but if you purchase the laptop off of the Lenovo website they always have free E-Coupons that can save you an insane amount. I only spent $850 on mine from their site, and currently their deal is $760. Only downside is that is comes with Windows 8 on a non-touch screen, but it's something you get used to. I haven't had any problems with any of my games so far. Great bang for your buck on gaming laptops if that's what you're looking for. http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/laptops/ideap...6202735:s" I can run BF4 on all high settings with a fairly high and stable FPS. You can checks tests and reviews on youtube of people playing current games such as BF4 and Skyrim on this laptop. A reasonably priced gaming laptop.
  17. If you're looking for another laptop, I suggest the Lenovo IdeaPad Y510p. I just bought this laptop a few weeks ago and it runs all of my old games perfectly, as well as BF4 on high/max settings very smoothly. It's $1,100 at first but if you purchase the laptop off of the Lenovo website they always have free E-Coupons that can save you an insane amount. I only spent $850 on mine from their site, and currently their deal is $760. Only downside is that is comes with Windows 8 on a non-touch screen, but it's something you get used to. I haven't had any problems with any of my games so far. Great bang for your buck on gaming laptops if that's what you're looking for. http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/laptops/ideap...0131126202735:s
  18. haha true!!! the pressure gets to ya man!
  19. Hahah definitley made me laugh, nice one mate!
  20. Lmao love robert chicken, such a funny show haha
  21. Powell


    Wow i haven't watched Band of Brothers in a longggg time...need to go bakc and rewatch it....awesome series
  22. Well gratz grant on making it haha!
  23. Eyyyy Blondes is the way to go!! Blue eyes are a plus but its whatever haha. and Damn all you guys are some tall ones! But im 6'1'' and only 16...while she's like 5'5". Ima be catching up to you guys in a year or two yerrrrrrrrr
  24. Happy Birthday Mate!!
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